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Over the semester, Iris and Harry had grown even more apart, for some reason, it looked like Harry was preoccupied with something, and refused to tell Iris. She wasn't even sure Ron and Hermione knew. It was the last quidditch game of the season, Ravenclaw was unfortunately in last place, but it meant Iris no longer had to bear the stress. Percy was relieved when they were done, only because Iris didn't handle stress well. The two watched cheering for Gryffindor, as they opposed the cheating Slytherins. After gasps and cries, Gryffindor won, finally breaking Slytherin's ongoing wins for the quidditch cup. "Party in the Gryffindor tower! Iris, and Percy, are you coming?" The twins asked. Percy was reluctant to go, but Iris insisted they went. What was the worst that could happen?

The couple weren't drinking anything alcoholic, Percy convinced her even though she pleaded. Again, Iris wasn't the strongest against alcohol, and Percy quite frankly didn't want to look after her on the day of victory. Yet without anything, the two smiled like big idiots, Iris always had a way to make Percy feel better. "Congratulations Harry!" iris yelled, when she finally got the chance to see him. Harry grinned brightly, for once he didn't want to punch Percy. "Thanks, Iris." Percy smiled from behind. "Thank merlin you were on the team Harry, it would have been shameful if Slytherin won, again." Iris poked him for his 'formality' but the two giggled it off after Harry left. It was around 8:30, still wasn't curfew. But the party still kept up the vibe even after 4 hours. Iris and Percy were getting a bit tired, but they still stayed, swaying to the music, Iris's arms wrapped around Percys. It was one of those moments where everyone was minding their own business, it didn't matter what you did. The couple's foreheads were touching, Percy bending down a little while Iris reached up. Iris kept giggling at Percy's attempt to joke, it always came out formal. "I love you," she mumbled happily. Percy grinned, "I love you too." 

Penelope watched from the stairs, throwing daggers at the pair. But she waited patiently, soon she'd have her revenge. She watched jealously, Percy was never like that to her. What was the difference anyway? They were both smart muggle-borns, both having a sense of humour. Penelope thought she was better looking than Iris, deepening her wonder. She then settled, it was because of Harry. Finally, out the portrait hole, she saw Wheeler looking gloomy, but giving her a nod. It was time. 


Anthony walked up a little nervous and tapped his ex-girlfriend's shoulder. Iris was surprised to see Wheeler there, it was a Gryffindor party after all. "Hey uh, Iris. Can I talk to you for a second?" Percy narrowed his eyes at the bloke, all sense of happiness diminishing. "Uh," Iris said, not wanting to go, and asking Percy for help. Percy got the message and was about to send him off until Anthony spoke again. "Please? It's really important." He had a fake plea of innocence in his eyes, and iris saw it. Percy didn't back down and was once again about to send him off, but Iris spoke up. "Why can't you tell me right now?" She demanded. Anthony sighed, "I just, really feel bad for what I did, and I want to apologize, but it'd be easier if he weren't around." He gestured towards Percy, who really wanted to punch him in the face. Noticing Percy's anger but ignoring it, she decided to get it over with. "Fine, but just out the hall and if it takes longer than 5 minutes, Percy will come." Not agreeing to it all, but Percy was forced to stay behind, as Iris and Anthony walked out, a visible barrier between them. He looked at his watch, and started counting, pacing back and forth, hoping it would make time go faster.


Anthony led them to the very far end of the corridor, apparently finding a loophole in her deal. "Alright, talk," Iris said, not giving him any sense of smile. All of a sudden, Anthony didn't look as nervous, or sympathetic as before but more dominant. "I still love you." He said, being truthful. Iris gasped, and walked back, regretting ever letting him in. "What? No!" He just shrugged, "C'mon Iris, you've got to admit, we were pretty good together, all until Weasley came along." He rolled his eyes, but Iris scoffed at him. "Are you serious? Are you absolutely mad?" He gave her a side look and a suggestive smile. Iris's eyes widened, and she started backing away from him. "No, I can't believe it! Are you really such a thick arrogant, big-headed arse? You know I will never fall in love with someone like you!" She yelled, but Anthony only stepped closer. "Weasley's in your head love, think about us! Think about our future! We'd be rich with a ginormous house, maybe a kid or two. Imagine how good-looking they'd be! we'd go to all the parties, invited by the most famous people in the world! You can't deny it any longer Iris, we were meant to be." Iris backed up to the point where she was on the wall, nowhere to escape. 

"There is no us Wheeler! and there never will be! So get that sick idea out of your bloody head!" The boy grabbed onto the side of her arms, frustrated as hell, and yearning for the girl. "DOn't be an idiot babe, just admit that you're in love with me," He leaned in closer, making iris cringe and whine. "Get away from me you jerk!" He didn't listen and connected their lips. Iris gagged and pushed him off with all her strength, wiping her mouth soon after. From her peripheral vision, she saw a red-head running, and to her horror, it was Percy.


Percy ran back to the common room, pushing down anyone in his way. Yelling punishments to everyone. HE was about to stop the party when Penelope approached him. She had a drink in her hand and handed it to him. Percy almost threw it, but her voice caught him. "Drink it, it'll make you feel better. I know, it's kinda hard to believe, Iris Dursley, a backstabbing monster." She didn't look at him, but Percy examined her face. All he could concentrate on, was rage, the betrayal, and for once he thought Iris was the one. He couldn't get the picture out of his head, it made him angry. "You know what? It can't be. Maybe I was looking at the wrong person." He tried to deny it, but Penelope made it worse. "Oh no, it was her alright. It's not that hard to believe actually. I mean, she was staring at Wheeler during the match." Lies made her plan become more effective, for the drink in Percy's hand became more tempting. "She's just a selfish little girl, well you can't blame her, she's never had anything to herself. I just guess one man wasn't good enough for her." He was done, Percy gulped the drink, it was obviously firewhiskey, but maybe a little drop of another thing. 


Iris quickly chased after him, but a hand grabbed her. "Babe, don't worry about him." He smirked at her. Iris spat in his face, loosening his grip, then she punched him. There and done, she ran again. The corridor seemed to be more crowded than usual, it took forever for her to get to the portrait, but when she finally got through, she was brought back to years ago. A tsunami of waves formed in her eyes, her heart shattered, she was sure she'd never recover from this. Percy finally had the sense, and pushed Penelope off, he was confused. Why was he snogging her? To his utter horror, the face he hated of all time was staring at him, a broken Iris. 

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