*The arrival*

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February 15th, 1996

Iris was going through so much pain, she vowed she would never be pregnant again. She was in the muggle hospital, being accompanied only by Penelope, a person she grew close with during maternity. Unfortunately Minnie could not be there, which made iris a little anxious. Her first contraction was unbearable, but she didn't know she had to go through more of them, which were even worse. 15 hours had passed, iris was overtired, Penelope was fighting to stay awake, and the nurses were getting slightly impatient at the slow arrival. "I swear you, baby, if you don't come out I'm coming in to get you!"

Another 2 hours went by, and iris finally gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Iris would have liked to coo at the newborn, but she was exhausted she didn't have much of a reaction. She had accidentally fallen asleep, much to the nurse's dismay. A couple more hours went by, and iris woke up, in a different room with Penelope silently reading, and the newborn in a casket nearby. "Oh no, I fell asleep didn't I?" Iris said panicked. Penelope laughed at the tired woman. "Yes, but It's fine. The baby is healthy, you should get some rest. Iris was about to fall asleep again, but felt bad for making Penelope stay, even if it wasn't for her. "Did you name her?'" The blond asked. Penelope nodded, unsure if Iris would accept the name. "Yeah, I thought maybe Areida for the first name, and Irisa for the middle name, you know because i's kind of like yours." Iris grinned at her name choices, she thought they were perfect. She yawned and her body ached for some sleep, but she wanted something done. 

"Hey, Penny? Do you think You could give Me and Areida a moment? I want to say something to her before I fall asleep because I'm sure when I fall back asleep I won't wake up for another 12 hours. I just want you guys to be able to leave without me." Penelope nodded. "Of course!" She left the room, after placing the delicate bundle into Iris's arms. She finally had the chance to coo at the beautiful thing she created. Even though she didn't have hair, Iris could tell she was a blonde. Iris continued to smile at the baby and touched her little chubby cheeks. The contact made Areida open her eyes, revealing the blue colour that resembled Percy. Iris looked at her sadly, wanting so badly to keep her but knowing she could never raise a child. She sighed and talked sweetly. 

"Hello Areida, I'm your birth mommy. I know you can't understand anything I'm saying, but I wanted to let you know that I love you so much, and the past 9 months have been a treasure to me. I hope you grow up understanding my reasons for giving you up, but your new mommy is so amazing, I know you'll grow up to be a beautiful independent kind woman. I hope I'll visit you sometime my baby girl, I love you so much." She placed a kiss on her head, tears forming. HSe wished she never had to let go, but it was for the best for both of them. "Good luck Areida Irisa Clearwater."


Percy didn't know what he wanted. He just found out a valuable member from the law department resigned the other day, it so happened to be his ex. Now the pressure was building, and Percy was pompous and snobby as ever. Every small little thing that was wrong bothered Percy like the world was exploding, and with every big mistake, his colleagues were glad they were still alive. Harry Potter and Albus Dumbledore were the main sources of his stress, everything they did affect the ministry big time, especially since Harry was not cooperating with Umbridge. Hogwarts was getting out of control, Percy was almost sure it would be a matter of time before the ministry would take over it completely and peace would be restored. You know who is back, quite nonsense. It was impossible. What drove him even more crazy, was that Anthony would not leave him alone. He kept bragging about his higher position, and how he didn't have to do the dirty work Percy was doing. He also made up lies that he and iris were dating again, but no matter how hard he tried, Percy was convinced they were true.

According to... well it was just his assumptions, but he hadn't heard a peep about iris in over 9 months, and as much as it worried him, it made him think that the two were dating and iris was keeping a low profile. Anthony's lie was able to happen since Percy couldn't straight up ask her. Right now, he was looking out at London from his living room apartment, drinking tea and criticizing every little thing that bothered him. It was a habit to keep him distracted. The scenery was actually really pretty, but Percy only saw the negatives. There was a woman down on the streets, with blond hair looking exactly like Iris. It made him think about Iris, and how she would have enjoyed the view. He scolded himself for thinking about her, he couldn't afford any distractions. He kept looking out, staring at the moon. A memory came up, one of Iris laughing under the moon, during one of their midnight walks. He shook his head again what was wrong with him. 

He busied himself with some paperwork, but he accidentally spilled his ink. He swore loudly, bringing up a spell to reverse it. Again, he thought of iris when she couldn't finish her homework and ruined it. He almost laughed at the memory of her pouting but smacked himself. He heard a knock on his door and opened it uninterested. But his throat hitched when he saw the woman who he was thinking about standing there. So it was Iris. She looked quite worn out and out of shape, but still looked pretty as ever. Truth was, if iris showed up at his work looking the same way, Percy would have killed her. "Hi," Iris said shyly. "Can I come in quickly?" She asked. Percy's mouth was dry but covered it up by clearing his throat and nodding. Iris timidly walked in and stood awkwardly in the living room as Percy closed his door. "So uh, how are you?" Iris asked, seeing as Percy made no effort to talk. Percy considered lying but decided against it.

"Not good actually, especially because of your cousin." He said bitterly. Iris looked confused, what was going on. "What did Harry do?" Iris asked, Percy raised his eyebrow. He was expecting her to be kidding, then he thought maybe she was tricking him or something. Either way, he was much too tired to argue to he avoided the question. "Why are you here?" Percy asked. Iris was a bit startled by his tone, so she replied with a bit of stutter. "I-i have t-to tell you something, that er, sort of already happened." Percy immediately thought of Anthony. He sighed and answered. "You're dating Anthony again aren't you?" Iris froze, then raised her eyebrow. She looked very confused, was he talking to her? She looked around stupidly, trying to see if there was someone else in the room she didn't know. Percy stared at her confused face, she looked hopeless. "Me?" She asked after searching the whole room. 

"Uh, yea?" Percy said almost sounding concerned. Iris immediately cringed. "Ewww, why would you think that?" Her reaction was genuine, catching Percy off guard. "What- your not? What? But Wheeler said you two were dating." Iris gave him a face of disgust. "And you listened to him? Geez, I thought you learned from your mistakes, apparently not. Also if you bring up that pig on more time, I'm going to need a bucket." Percy just stared at her. "Then, then what do you have to tell me?" Iris resumed back to her anxious state. "Oh yeah, um, well you know I've been 'gone' for a while, it's a actually because, I uh might have been, er pregnant," She closed one of her eyes, scared for his reaction. Percy froze in his position. Not registering the words clearly. Iris looked awkward, Percy was in no state of talking. "And it's uh, yours just to let you know." Iris nodded slowly, but Percy was in even more shock. After about 5 minutes, Iris scratched her head. "Uh, Perc? Percy, you good?" Percy finally gained his voice back, but it was hoarse and very unlike his own.

"Er, uh, um, what did you do with... it?" He asked quietly. Iris cringed, she partly felt guilty not telling him. "I uh, actually gave her up for adoption. Actually, Penelope adopted her. I uh, went to the agency and she happened to be there, she apologized for everything and we became friends. They live in a very nice home, and she's got a stable job and everything." Iris kept talking, knowing Percy was going to be mad and they would start arguing. But Percy didn't yell, instead, he sat down, looking ashamed of himself for some reason. Iris started panicking, this was the first it ever happened. "Percy? Percy? Are you ok? Look I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I just wasn't ready, and I didn't want to bother you, but I really think it's for the best." Percy stayed silent again, making iris even more anxious. "Oh Percy, please say something. yell at me or talk to me! Just tell me I was stupid! Just please say something!" Iris was desperate. Percy didn't think before speaking, but he muttered softly. "I'm Sorry"

MISTAKE- Percy Weasley x OCWhere stories live. Discover now