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Iris kept her eyes shut, she wasn't sure what was going on. Her hearing was blocked, and she was thrown backwards. She could feel painful debris hitting her, but she still remained on the ground. She was so confused when she opened her eyes. She didn't know where she was or what happened but gasped when she saw the whole wall of the corridor gone. She scanned her surroundings, but she didn't get far before she felt herself crumble to the ground again. It was like searing hot knives stabbing her everywhere, and she couldn't take the pain so she screamed. It was impossible not to. She could faintly hear laughing, and at once she knew who it belonged to. The pain stopped for a second, tears streaming down her face, her face silked in warm liquid, meaning she was bleeding. She couldn't move a muscle in her body, it was way worse than an intense workout. She tried to concentrate on breathing, but the voice talked again, making her panic.

"You fool, you're just so pathetic, just like your blood. I guess you missed, but you still got one." Iris could hear the smirk on his face, and instantly her heart stopped. From afar, she could hear Percy's scream of agony. He screamed something about Fred. She tried to make herself believe it was a dream but Percy's constant pleas wouldn't leave her head. She wanted to stay on the ground, crying, hoping it was all her imagination. But her wishes weren't granted, for she felt herself being lifted aggressively from the ground, and she rose higher and higher into the air. An invisible hand coiled around her neck, choking her and making her light-headed. The lack of oxygen made her body wither, but tears continued to stream down her face. She tried to keep her eyes closed, but she couldn't help and stare at Percy. Hundreds of people were staring at her, not knowing whether she was good, or bad.

Percy was in shock, his brother had just died, and he had seen his girlfriend do it. But yet she was hanging in pain 100 feet of the ground. He found Wheeler under her, painting his wand and smiling wickedly. He was ever so grateful for not assuming this time. But he was still frozen. "You see what you've done? This woman is a killer! She doesn't deserve the right to live. As well as many others." HE sent a cruciate curse at her, making iris scream even without air. Percy was quick to respond and disarmed Wheeler. But Iris fell from the sky, gasping for breath. While Percy was occupied with Iris's fall, Wheeler had picked up his wand again and attempted to stun Percy. He missed by an inch. Harry, on the other hand, slowed her fall. Iris was in too big of a shock and passed out when she touched the ground. 


"Iris, Iris!" Iris woke up on the same ground, the same state, same vibe. Which wasn't a good sign. Iris tried to sit up but flinched when she felt pain in her head. When she opened her eyes, Percy was shaking her in deep concern. "iris, are you ok?" He asked. iris groaned, and tried to recall what happened. "yeah I'm alright, but- " She stopped breathing, and stared at Percy. Percy watched her, knowing she was thinking about what happened. "D-did I kill someone?" Iris croaked. Percy gulped, then just brought her into his chest. Iris kept her eyes wide open, then backed off when she realized what she did. "Who?" She asked. Percy kept quiet and felt guilty. "Who perc?" She started to demand. Percy scratched the back of his head. "Well, you uh, missed me. B-but the uh spell kinda hit the wall... and uh collapsed. On er Fred." Iris kept looking at him, fear creeping into her eyes. "But it wasn't your fault iris. Wheeler was taking control over you!" Percy said reassuringly. Iris shook her head, tears starting to fall on her face again. She stood up and tried to pull away from Percy. She couldn't form any words, but Percy knew what she meant. "Iris stop. You didn't do it!" He tried to reassure her, but she got farther and farther. 

"Stay away from me Percy." She said, and ran for her life. Her heart crumbling, her mind thinking the same word over . "weak" She couldn't fight off Wheeler, she almost killed Percy, she killed on of her best friend. She ran out of hogwarts, anywhere her feet could take her. She ran for ever, and ever and ever. Leaving Percy at Hogwarts. 

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