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Iris did not enjoy the trip back to London, t was mostly because she didn't like using the plane. She almost regretted telling Percy she wanted to travel the muggle way, but she didn't say anything because she didn't want to be proven wrong. Percy on the other hand found everything absolutely fascinating, which annoyed iris the most. He wasn't fond of the actual flying part, but everything else kept him interested. It was a long journey, and the train ride after the plane wasn't the greatest combination. It was an exhausting ride, so iris couldn't help but fall asleep. She was embarrassed when she found her head rested on Percy's shoulders, and she thought he didn't notice. 

They finally reached Ottery St. Catchpole in Devon, and the familiar town made Iris query. Just getting to London made her nostalgic, but she tried to ignore the feelings then. iris and Percy wordlessly climbed the hill, but Iris's mind was everything but quiet. Her heart raced when they drew near the hedge, and she came to a stop. The top of the burrow was just in her sight, and she was having cold feet. Percy noticed her behaviour and was surprised she got this far into the journey. "You alright?" He asked, his forehead getting sweaty with the sun above him. But Iris's face had gone pale, and if Percy were to touch her hands, he'd find them cold. "Who's in there?" She asked panicked. Percy looked to his house and then back to iris. "Not many, probably just mum and maybe Ginny. She's pregnant you know." The fact did not help iris, instead, it made her even more anxious. 

"I-I can't do this," Iris muttered. Percy didn't express any emotion of annoyance, just understanding. He walked up to her and grabbed his hands. "Hey, it's all right. You can do this iris. You can do this because there's nothing to be afraid of. Do you really think Molly Weasley would kick you out of her house?" Iris gulped. "She would if she believed-" She started, but was cut off by Percy. "No, iris, get that out of your head for now. Put it aside. Because no one believes that crap, everyone knows it wasn't you. Everyone Iris, expect for you. We want to help you, we want to show you that we're alright, and everyone wants to see you again." Iris stared into his eyes, and she was brought back to when they were younger when they were in Hogwarts when they had yet to learn that they were meant to be together. Iris took one more brave gulp and took his arm. She walked slowly with him, but Percy didn't mind the pace. Iris breathed deeply, focusing on her breath. They approached the door near and nearer, and iris's scent was filled with homeyness. 

Her mind fell at ease, her shoulders relaxed, but it didn't stop the rate of her heartbeat. "Are you ready?" Percy asked. Iris closed her eyes and decided to trust Percy's words. She nodded, and Percy opened the door slowly. The living room looked exactly the same, just a little messier. The kitchen was still there, iris' favourite clock was also there, but she began to panic once more when she found that Fred's spoon was gone. Percy noticed her tension and followed her gaze. So far it wasn't a good start. However, he didn't say anything because Mrs. Weasley was standing shocked at the doorway, and Iris was frozen. The old woman had tears in her eyes, it was like meeting her long-lost daughter. Iris didn't know what to do, she was in a state of panic. Mrs. Weasley ran to the girl and engulfed her into a hug, surprising iris, and making any doubt leave her. "Oh Iris, you're back! We've missed you so much dear!" She sniffed. It took a while for iris to register what was going on, and she had tears of her own. "Y-you're not mad? Th-that I killed Fred? Iris sniffed. Mrs. Weasley looked at her, eyes wide. "My dear girl! DOn't you dare blame yourself! I forbid you to think such absurd thing! We all know it wasn't you!" Iris was crying now because she was happy. Mrs. Weasley had such a kind soul, something she wished she could love up to. The two women didn't say anything but embraced one another. Molly stroked her hair as if she were her own, as Iris let everything go. Percy watched, a smile forming on his face.

"Iris?" Asked a pregnant redhead, watching his mother stroke a girl she had a very deep connection with. Iris raised her red eyes and met with Ginnys. "Ginny?" Iris asked with a hoarse voice. Ginny smiled brightly and ran to the girl. "Oh, Iris you're back! I've missed you so much!" Ginny hugged Iris. Iris was now thinking it was foolish of her to blame herself for Fred's death and was now thanking Percy for finding her. The happy moment was gone however when Ginny started scolding her. "Iris Dursley! How dare you abandon us all! We've never been the same without you! And I swear, if the thought of blaming yourself for Fred comes across your mind, I will hex your arse!" Percy snorted, his pregnant sister was amusing sometimes. Iris was scared right now of the girl and felt pressured to stay quiet and nod her head. Ginny was back to her happy state. "Good, I assume you'll be staying for dinner? Actually no, you are staying for dinner." She left the girl to go help her mother, leaving iris shocked. Percy was laughing quietly, making iris glare at him. 

But it didn't last long when she stared at him. "Thank you, Percy," Was all she could say, but Percy understood everything she wanted to tell him. He smiled. "No problem." Iris felt relaxed, she felt at home, and maybe she was willing to give her life another try. "Alright let's go, we need to see someone," Percy said grabbing her hand and leading her out the door. "Who?" Iris asked, but she had a million possibilities in her head. "Why, our daughter of course, and her adoptive mother," Percy said with a smile. Iris had completely forgotten about Areida and Penelope. She was ashamed but at the moment she was excited. "Really? How are they?" She asked. Percy shrugged. "You can ask them when we see them, oh, and by the way, Penelope's married." "To who?" iris asked. "Oliver, oliver wood." Percy said before grabbing her hand and apparating.

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