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All summer, Iris had stayed with the Weasleys. She had already packed her stuff and moved from her apartment to stay with the Weasleys until they all reside at headquarters which was still unknown. It was week 4 of her stay, and there was starting to get a bit... chaotic. Packing everything the Weasleys owned shouldn't have been hard, but it was for 9 people, and their house wasn't the most organized, unfortunately. Yet Iris was willing to help out, even though the Weasleys told her she didn't have to. Only the adults knew what was going on, the children left in the dark. It frustrated Fred and George the most, they were almost adults yet they were being treated like children. Iris found herself in numerous situations with the twins trying to trick her into telling them. Ron was also visibly frustrated, for one he couldn't send letters to his best friend under Dumbledore's orders. 

Ginny didn't show too much of her anger, but she was really trying hard to shake the information out of everyone, and it actually kind of scared Iris. But she only had to handle the situation for two more days, tomorrow they would be moving into headquarters. The last day of packing may have been the most rampageous, but by 7 o'clock, the whole family, minus Authur, Charlie and Percy, were sitting at the dinner table with a big feast. After hard work, they earned a good dinner prepared by Mrs. Weasley, Iris could do anything but cook. Well, that's a lie but never mind. Authur and Percy came home from the ministry, both looking a little disgruntled which happened often. No matter how much Iris talked to him, Percy still had a one-sided view about Harry, but he didn't express as much as he would in fear she would get offended. 

Today, however, the two looked a little bit angrier towards each other than usual, making Iris suspicious. They both took a seat quietly and ate in silence as the rest of the family buzzed with excitement for tomorrow. Both women asked their partners about their day, but it seemed to have made matters worse. "I was offered the position of Junior assistant to the minister," He said quietly, but loud enough for Molly to hear. Iris heard her hesitate for a bit before congratulating her son. Iris just stood there speechless. "Oh, Percy that's wonderful!" The woman cried, swooping to hug him buying iris time to reset herself. But there really was no need since Mrs. Weasley kept him occupied. "Isn't it wonderful Authur?" She was silently hinting towards her husband, but he just continued to eat. 

She looked at him agasped, but Percy didn't seem bothered by it. He merely scowled at him and spoke. "Father doesn't seem to think I deserved it." Iris tried to understand the situation, and quickly she figured out where the difference was, but she was starting to side with Authur. "I didn't say that." Authur said accusingly, "I just said it's suspicious, and that he shouldn't take the job because Fudge will use you into getting information on the order!" Molly gasped, which caught attention from the rest of the family. Iris reacted as well, understanding his point but thinking he was a little harsh. The room fell silent, everyone looking at Percy or Authur. Percy licked his lips, losing his temper. "That's the same thing, you think Fudge is only using me to be a spy? Have you considered that it was most likely because I am a very hard-working vulnerable man?" Iris straightened up, thinking it was a bit arrogant of himself. 

Authur seemed to notice his mistake and tried to re-phrase. "Percy, that is not what I mean. You are very hard-working, and you'd be great for the job." "Then why don't you think I'd be good enough?" The older man sighed. Iris took it as her cue to get involved. She placed a hand on Percy's shoulders, making him calm down a little. "Perc, we don't think that. Just it could be a possibility. Right now Fudge seems to hate Dumbledore, so why wouldn't he want a spy? as well as what happened with crouch. It's just a little suspicious that he would want a person who was involved with Crouch to be his junior assistant. If the incident with crouch didn't happen at all-" She was cut off when Percy stood up abruptly. He sighed disappointedly and glared at Iris betrayed who then started to get angry. 

"I can't believe it! You all think I don't deserve it and that Fudge will just use me to spy on Dumbledore! He has the right mind to anyways! The old man is just starting to say rubbish at the moment." The younger people had their mouths wide open, Molly spoke up. "Percy! How dare you say such a thing about Dumbledore!" While Molly was shocked, Authur and Iris had expected something like this. "It's true though! He may have been the greatest wizard in the world but you can't deny the fact that he's getting old! I agree it's about the right time he starts going mad!" He shouted. "Going mad? How on earth is he going mad?" Authur asked. "Believing a 15-year-old attention-seeking boy?" He suggested. 

Iris couldn't believe what she was hearing and yelled at him. "How on earth is Harry attention seeking?" The argument started turning towards Iris and Percy. "Iris you've got to admit he's a little desperate!" "How so?" She barked. "Well ever since he came to Hogwarts, everything seems to be revolving around him! He's broken about every rule in the school, made things attack himself, goes against Fudge and the ministry!" he started listing things off. Iris was about to talk back, but Authur took care of it. "I'll admit he's a bit of a trouble maker, but he has his head in the right direction about Fudge! The man only works for his pride and ego, he doesn't give two damns about the wizarding world!" Percy was thoroughly offended. "Fudge does everything he can to make the world just, but of course you're too obsessed with Dumbledore and Muggles to see that!" Iris had taken a seat, it was all too much for her to absorb at once. 

"People always associate Weasleys with poverty. They're not wrong. If you had come to your right senses and gotten a better job at the ministry instead of being fascinated by every stupid thing muggles had created, you could've given us a better life with money!" Iris was beyond outraged, and both Weasleys were extremely offended. His siblings began calling him names inside their heads. "Money doesn't equal happiness Percy!" Iris shouted. "No, but it would have made my goal to become Minister easier! I've had to work against his reputation for my whole life, so I could get the life I wanted. If he had been successful, no one would have doubted me!"

"Percy, if you were richer when you were younger, you wouldn't appreciate everything you have now! But apparently, it wouldn't have made a difference since you can't seem to bother with the fact that your parents gave you the best life ever!" Percy was glaring at his girlfriend. "I had the money! But not my family! Shit, Percy you even met my family last summer! Can't you see what extreme power and money does to people? And then someone liked me comes along and gets the worst life ever! You have a family Perc, get that through your thick head!" Percy was being stubborn, like he always was. "Well if you had been more of a rule-follower your parents would have gifted you with a better life," He spat out, making everyone gasp. Iris knew they were empty words, so she didn't blame him immediately. "Fine, if you can't respect and appreciate the hard work your parents did for you, then you can leave." After so many fights, iris knew Percy usually says things he didn't mean, and he needed a week or two to come to his senses. She had to learn that the hard way. 

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