Chapter 1 - Prologue

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The sun has decided to take a rest and chill in the middle of the sky, watching a dotted butterfly fluttering after a flower. Not so far from the butterfly, sits a blue haired male,his heart fluttering after a picture of his crush.

His eyes hold a mixture of love, sorrow and longing as he examines the soft features of the boy who stares back at him through the screen.

"Why does he have to be so cute?" The boy thinks as he scrunches his nose. He bites his lip, trying to hold back his smile at the sight of visible dimples on his crush's cheeks.

"His lover in his past life must have loved to kiss his cheeks so much, that he got dimples this life!"

"How nice would it be to be his lover!" He wonders, pushing back his hair that had covered his eyes. A light pink shade decorates his delicate cheeks as he imagine himself kissing the one on the screen shamelessly.

He snaps out of his daze,when a brown head pops out from behind him, peeking at his phone. A dramatic sigh leaves the brown haired boy as he starts whining,tugging at the sleeve of the blue haired male.

"Aishh yeonjung hyung!!When are you gonna stop drooling over Soobin and finally make a move?!"
Yeonjun quickly likes the post he had been staring at and tucks his phone in his pocket before jokingly replying to the one in front of him.

" I don't know? Maybe when scientists find out that birds are not actually singing but screaming because they are afraid of heights?" He shrugs his shoulders and tries to cover the blush on his cheeks at the mention of his crush Soobin, one of his juniors with hyacinth black hair,a bunny smile, dimples that yeonjun and dive in and an extremely cute habit of mixing up words or 'making typos' as Yeonjun liked to call it when speaking, AND WHO HAPPENED TO BE STRAIGHT AND SHOWED NO INTEREST IN MEN.

This chapter is short since it's an introduction but the others will be longer.

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