Chapter 2 - love is selfish

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To be honest, Yeonjun didn't know if Soobin was straight. 

Soobin might not have his sexuality figured yet even. Still, Yeonjun being the over thinker he is, had come to the conclusion that Soobin indeed was straight and that he had no chance.

"HYUNG!!" the brown haired guy's voice snapped Yeonjun back to reality and Yeonjun's honey like voice whispered,

"KEEP IT DOWN BEOMGYU!SOMEBODY WILL HEAR!!" He removed the younger's hand from his arm and sat on the bench he was sitting earlier as Beomgyu takes a seat next to him.

"Where's your boyfriend and Kai?" Yeonjun asked and Beomgyu's eyes lit up at the mention of his boyfriend Taehyun as he replied,

"On the way. Tae said he got some snacks and Kai's with him"

Beomgyu didn't even get to finish his sentence when two blonde haired boys popped out of nowhere, both carrying bags in their hands and screaming " WE GOT FOOD!!".

They newly arrived two sat on the bench opposite to the bench of Beomgyu and Yeonjun and Beomgyu silently slipped next to Taehyun.

"Just open the damn box. I'm starving!" Kai said and Taehyun opened the box in slow motion which made the youngest of the group, Kai smack his arm earning a death glare from Beomgyu. Meanwhile, Yeonjun was busy drooling over the food that he didn't even notice the pair shooting draggers at each other making Kai chuckle upon seeing Yeonjun's undying love for food.

"Anything new?" Taehyun asked munching on the cheese burger in his hand.

"Guess what? Yeonjun hyung's still crushing over that introverted six feet two legged bunny nerd"

Yeonjun almost, ALMOST hit Beomgyu with his sandwitch for calling Soobin a nerd but decided not to and save his precious sandwich since Beomgyu was always asking to be slapped and he wasnt risking his food for that little bitch.

" Humm, nothing new then." Taehyun mumbles as Yeonjun rolled his eyes. But Beomgyu, being that one friend who's taken and wants all his friends to date, didn't like to let the topic slip off that easily.

" FOR FUCK'S SAKE YEONJUN HYUNG!WHEN ARE YOU GONNA CONFESS? IT'S NOW OR NEVER!! YOU CAN'T BE SINGLE FOREVER!?" He starts yelling in a high pitched voice dramatically and trails off about how Yeonjun might lose his chance if someone snatches Soobin away.

The sound of a bell echoes throughout the school indicating their lunch break was over. The four boys stand up and Taehyun makes his way to Beomgyu wrapping one of his arms around Beomgyu while his other carries the bags, and pecks his cheek shutting Beomgyu up.

"Don't stress over them Beomie,it's Yeonjun's choice if he decides to jerk himself off forever or get a man"

Huening Kai fake gasps as Yeonjun shouts telling Taehyun to mind his language.

Then they parted ways and got to their classrooms getting ready for the next period.

The next period was English, and Yeonjun just couldn't get himself to focus on the teacher going on about an essay that is due today but almost all the children had forgotten about.

His mind was occupied by a particular bunny. 

Earlier, Yeonjun had pretended that what Beomgyu was telling him was utmost nonsense but in reality he knew for a fact that Beomgyu was right and that he indeed needed to man up a bit and go confront Soobin. 

but can you blame him? he's more of a submissive guy and liked to leave things for the other.

Plus his overthinking wasn't much of a help as he kept on wondering about the possibility of him getting rejected and not standing a chance to be Soobin's friend even. And he was pretty sure that Soobin wasn't gay considering the fact Soobin was tall, handsome,cute and had a good personality. 

He must have girls in a line for him. 

Could there be a slight chance that Soobin was bi? He didn't freaking know!!

Besides, he didn't want to drag Soobin into his life. It was a mess with all his over thinking and anger issues that most people didn't know about. But the thought of staying close to Soobin as his friend lingered in his mind for more than Yeonjun's liking.

 'Angels don't appear in nightmares' That little devil with red horns beside his head said. " Being selfish for once isn't going to hurt" The angel says. Yeonjun shook his head making the little demon and angel disappear as his eyes catch a glimpse of Soobin walking to his classroom with two books clutched to his chest. Instantly, Yeonjun's tummy activated the butterfly mode and that's when Yeonjun made the decision.

" Maybe being selfish for once won't hurt."



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