Chapter 4 - Meetings!

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"YOU DID WHAT?!" Beomgyu's eyes were the size of a plate as he looked at Yeonjun, not being able to wrap his head around the fact the older had actually made a move on his crush after centuries of nagging. ( No matter how much Taehyun had tried to teach Beomgyu to understand a situation before blurting out something awkward, he just failed. howver Taehyun had done a great job at teaching Beomgyu where to have his fingers wrapped around but let's save it to another story)

Yeonjun blushed as he told Beomgyu yesterday's events in detail, skipping him being flustered at literally everything Soobin did. But he was too happy to keep the story to himself and needed to get the excitement out of his chest, he felt like he would explode if he didn't.

But he left out a big part that Yeonjun had overthought yesterday when he was staring at the ceiling,laying on his bed.

The white ceiling suddenly looked devilish and seemed to be playing with Yeonjun's mind. What if he made a bad impression? Should he have done something when Soobin's talk got dirty? Should he have yelled at Soobin for talking to him like that? Should he have considered it as disrespectful? What if Soobin thought that Yeonjun was cheap and that he could have Yeonjun wrapped around his finger easily? Is that why Soobin asked to be friends? What if Soobin wasn't the person Yeonjun thought he was? He didn't mind actually, he knew if he was going to love Soobin,he should embrace all aspects of Soobin, whether it was good or bad. But he wasn't going to let anyone look down on him even if it was Soobin.

"Should I go meet Soobin today? What if it looks like I'm being too clingy and obsessed?" Yeonjun asked Beomgyu, who was the best at giving advice when it came to love. He knew he could trust Beomgyu when it came to that for Beomgyu must have AMAZING flirting skills to have someone like Taehyun fall for him. He was naturally good at flirting, unlike Yeonjun, and his godly face was a plus.

"YOU TOTALLY SHOULD YOU DUMBASS! IF HE ASKED TO BE FRIENDS, THEN YOU MUST GO!! THE SHIP'S SAILING AND I GOT FIRST CLASS TICKETS!!! HELL YEAHHH" Beomgyu said jumping with too much enthusiasm which Yeonjun wasn't feeling. They were that two friends in those Instagram memes. Too much energy and no energy.

Yeonjun massaged his temples as he weighed the pros and cons of going to meet Soobin today.

Talking about Soobin, the boy had gone home yesterday, feeling proud of himself for finding himself a friend. He was alone most of the time, not like he had a problem with that. But according to Soobin,"It's good to have someone to talk to". He sat on his study after a warm shower and took out his diary.

It had been his habit, for around 2 years, to keep a diary. Not having any friends, he didn't have anyone to vent to, so he wrote down everything he felt on this precious diary, with an ocean blue colored cover, his favorite. He had decorated it with some stickers he found when he went to the communication the other day. A sticker of Pickachu, and some stickers of stars. It made the cover of the diary look like a sky making Pickachu look like it was floating in space.

He took out his pen and wrote down the date, writing what he did today, but mostly it was about Yeonjun. The blue haired male took one full page of Soobin's diary and unlike other days he didn't write about his literature period being interesting or how he felt bad for not finding his English teacher's jokes funny.

After writing, he closed his diary and flopped on his bed. Even though he was happy to have met Yeonjun,talking with him seemed to have drained Soobin's social battery completely. The only way to recharge was to have a good nap, so he drifted off to dreamland as the clock striked 6 p.m.

The next day, in the lunch break, Soobin was sitting on his usual chair, his ear phone in his ears AGAIN, not being able to focus on the song AGAIN, but for a different reason. He didn't feel anyone staring at him this time, he was just disturbed by the fact Yeonjun wasn't here today. "He must have other friends except me; obviously. No one is as anti- social as I am" He tapped his foot continuously on the floor, getting impatient as seconds pass by, before getting up and grabbing his back pack. That's it. He was going to find Yeonjun.

It wasn't hard to find him, his blue hair made him stand out among the crowd. Even if his hair hadn't been dyed blue, he would have stood out anyways.

Soobin waved at Yeonjun, Yeonjun didn't notice, he seemed to be frustrated for some reason. He was with someone, and luckily Soobin could recognize the other, it was Beomgyu, one of the kids his age. Soobin questioned if this was a good time to talk to Yeonjun but pushed aside the thought. He just didn't want to return to his seat and sit there in his sulking state, okayy??? He just needed to make some friends!! So he did what seemed the best option for his not so big brain. ( Who needs a big brain, Soobin had others things big enough)

Soobin screamed his name.


Yeonjun turned his head, trying to spot the one calling his name. Soobin flourished his hands aggressively, trying to get Yeonjun to notice him. A small smile made its way up to his face, as he approached the pair now staring at him, Beomgyu with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Hello! Missed me?"



Not really satisfied with how this turned out since this is more of a filler chapter

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