Chapter 20- Caramels and unoriginal confessions

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"Do you want to come to my place?" Soobin whispered looking at Yeonjun who was now in his arms with his head leaning on top of Soobin's chest. A minute passed without a response.

"WHAT?!" Yeonjun yelled-breaking the hug, and instinctively Soobin pulled Yeonjun closer from the waist and swiched their positions so that Yeonjun was trapped between the wall and him now. " don't want people finding out our secret spot,do you?" Soobin said, and pressed their foreheads together with a mischievous smile on his lips.

"Why did you panic though? I hope you're not thinking things-yet" Soobin added with a wink, " can come and have some ramen too,maybe-if you want to"

Yeonjun slapped his chest lightly with his hands balled into fists. "don't tease me, I'm scary when I'm angry"

Soobin had to laugh at that. Yeonjun frowned. He watched as Soobin bit his lip, trying to conceal his laughter.

"Kiss me" Yeonjun said,

" I told you to kiss me,idiot!" he repeated again. "Here?" Soobin asked with big eyes, and Yeonjun groaned.

"Choi Soobin I demand for your kiss right now-arghhh nevermind." He pulled Soobin by his shirt and connected their lips,taking the lead before Soobin took over-who tilted his neck to deepen the kiss.

They both pulled away, Yeonjun in a deep red and Soobin with a few hues of rose petals on his cheeks.

Yeonjun proved unbelievably clingy for someone as shy and easily-flustered. But Soobin wouldn't have it any other way.

However, here they were-in Soobin's kitchen with aprons wrapped around their torso.

They were making cookies—well, trying to. Yeonjun kept struggling with the doughs and Soobin kept on feeding Yeonjun the chocolates he was supposed to melt. Then Soobin had the guts to complain Yeonjun had eaten all the chocolate and insisted on kissing Yeonjun because he couldn't even taste the chocolate!

"I told you I didn't know how to bake cookies!!" Yeonjun whined as he wiped his nose with the back of his hand,which was now completely white with flour. Soobin came over and wrapped his hands around Yeonjun from behind, who was mindlessly throwing the flour here and there trying to make a dough. "And I told you I'll teach you. See, you're doing great!"

Yeonjun turned around and slid his hands to Soobin's shoulder. "What do I get for making all these cookies?" he asked. Soobin wiped the flour on Yeonjun's chin with his thumb."How about a kiss? Isn't that what you're asking Mr.foxy?"

"You know me too well" Yeonjun grinned and leaned in, and Soobin did too. It felt like magic, and intoxicating. And Soobin thought that maybe there was a spell on Yeonjun's lips because every time his lips touched them, he seemed to lose his memory and the kiss felt like their first one.

And Yeonjun wondered how Soobin's big hands resting on his hip seemed to have finally found their home.

"How about I finish making these and make us dinner? You can go and have a shower? Then we could have dinner together and maybe watch a movie later? Sounds good?" Soobin suggested and Yeonjun nodded, standing on his toes to give a one last peck to Soobin's forehead.

Soobin watched Yeonjun walk away from the kitchen and turned to the neglected cookies, biting his lips to not smile like a maniac.

Soobin watched as Yeonjun's cheeks stuff his cheeks with food.

"Is that a habbit?"Soobin let out and Yeonjun looked up from the food. He swallowed before answering.

"Stuffing your mouth with food? I mean, not everyone does that- Do you even get what I mean?"

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