Chapter 5 - Talk Talkless

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Yeonjun was just too taken aback by the arrival of his crush that his brain suddenly faced a system error.

 He forgot all the words he knew, upon seeing this, Beomgyu waved at the black head, indicating him to come closer. Yeonjun's eyes travelled to the excited boy with a big smile on his face. He greeted back at the younger, completely ignoring the part that Soobin had just asked if he missed him,which made the butterflies in his stomach come alive again. Heck, at this rate Yeonjun was sure that they freaking dragons and not some little butterflies.

"I was bored so I thought of finding you" Soobin made an excuse ,grabbing his nape, a feeling of nervousness flooding over him.

"Wow that's great Soobin. Yeonjun hyung here was just about to go find you, but now you're here should we go grab something at the canteen?" Beomgyu exclaimed in a tone that only Yeonjun noticed the mockery of, putting his arms around the other two, forcing them towards the canteen without waiting for a reply. 

Soobin, being tall had to bend down so Beomgyu can be comfortable, and chuckling at the friendly action of the other. He couldn't believe how people could be so outgoing without being the wreck he was. 

Beomgyu made the other two sit on a table and went to get drinks. Yeonjun cleared his throat and Soobin found this as a sign to start talking.

" Were you in the middle of something? No right? That guy, he's Beomgyu,isn't he? Is he your boy friend? I meant boy friend as in boy friend not like boyfriend." He said pausing between the words boy and friend. His words got mixed up, he hated when it happened. There were billions of words and how can they expect him to choose the exact word needed for a situation? How can you blame him when he didn't even ask to be born and expected to live in this fucked up world?

"I meant friend. What am I even saying; forget it, you are straight, aren't you?" Soobin said all this in one breath and Yeonjun didn't want to admit that he felt a pang in his chest Soobin immediately come to the conclusion that he was straight. Little did he know. He decided it was not the time to be moody and broke into a pit of laughter ,at first it was fake, but then he actually found it funny how Soobin looked breathless after talking so long. The tension between them seemed lessen.

"You sure talk a lot,don't you?" Yeonjun said smiling fondly at Soobin, "First of all, Beomgyu is just my friend, and second of all, why don't you shut up?" The other gave a sheepish smile before answering and the other was subjected to a very detailed revelation of how boring Soobin's playlist was. They kept on switching from one topic to another and Yeonjun somehow ended up revealing that he used to live abroad when he was young.

"Does it mean you're good at English?" Soobin asked and the exact moment, Beomgyu returned with the drinks, asking,

"Yeonjun's good at what?"

The others looked up and Soobin got up, seeing Beomgyu struggling with three bottles at once and took the bottles from him, offering Yeonjun one.

"English" Soobin answered and went on," If you're good at English then that means you can help me with my assignment?!" Soobin asked from Yeonjun, waiting for a reply. Yeonjun on the other hand, again, faced a system failure and he could swear that Soobin wasn't good for his health. He looked at Soobin's eyes filled with hope begging for a positive answer.


"Is that true?" Soobin clapped, Yeonjun, nervously fidgeting with his fingers said," y-ah I guess so" Beomgyu watched the other two interact silently sipping his drink,meanwhile the pair had completely abandoned the precious drinks.

" SOoO it's settled? You both are meeting today 5ish? Me? Nh I have plans,and I don't need tutoring for English,my boyfriend helps me with it." Beomgyu said, emphasizing on the word 'boyfriend' to check Soobin's reaction because he swore to god if Soobin was a homophobic he wasn't letting him go anywhere near his friend.

It took a moment for Soobin to grasp what the other said and when he finally realized his mouth formed an O shape in realization.

"So you have a boyfriend? Good for us babe" He said playfully looking at Yeonjun and putting his hand around his shoulder,pulling him close. Yeonjun's pulse quickened but the younger looked oblivious to the effect he had on Yeonjun so he kept on talking. "I was wondering if I was too late to make Yeonjun fall for me but looks like he's available. Jun, wanna have some fun then?" Soobin said winking, which got the others by surprise and Yeonjun tried to hit Soobin, but Soobin was quick to retreat from his chair and run for his life. Yeonjun chased after him screaming something about catching Soobin and plucking his hair one by one. Beomgyu got the drinks others had left untouched and put it in his bag safely, slowly making his way towards his class knowing the bell was going ring soon, and by the time the other two return, the next will have begun and they were certainly going to get scolded bad.



Not satisfied part 2, but I'll make sure to make the next one more interesting!

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