Chapter 19 - New favorite flavor

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Yeonjun was ignoring Soobin.


And that's why he was now strutting down the hallway after successfully avoiding Soobin who was desperately trying to get Yeonjun to talk to him from the moment he arrived at school.

He hid behind a wall and leaned on it, trying catch his breath. His heart was aching at the thought of Soobin possibly wanting to tell him what he had told him yesterday was a mistake and tell him to forget it. So he did what he always did. Run away. Just like I always do. He sighed out.

"-you mean Choi Soobin?!" he snapped his head at the mention of the name causing him to hold his breath. He peeked from behind the wall, feeling like a creep, to see three girls in the hallway. He saw the girl in the middle clutch her books against her chest and nod, her long hair falling over eyes as she did. What could they be talking about that concerned Soobin?

He felt bad for eavesdropping, but still found himself leaning more against the wall to hear what the girls were talking about.

"Have you talked to him before?" he heard one of them ask.

"No-but I'm going to ask him to help me with the assignment-" he heard and figured it must be the long haired girl in the middle. Then followed a squeal.

"GIRL YOU'RE GONNA HAVE THAT TUTOR AND STUDENT LOVE STORY!!!" Yeonjun's heart sank. So the girl liked Soobin?

He felt a pang in his heart as he chuckled bitterly to himself. He remembered the day he had finally decided to approach Soobin. She was the same, in a way. His heart hurt further as it finally drowned to him that there were other people who liked Soobin as well.

Who was he kidding? Soobin was smart,tall,handsome and sweet. List all the positive adjectives you can come up with and you'll see how all of that could be fitted to him.

When you look at it like that, who was Yeonjun? No one. If he had thought that Soobin could have someone better than him, this only proved what he had thought was right indeed.

Still, he was just too selfish, because he felt the jealousy building up in his chest, and a burning sensation in his eyes.

He blinked away the tears as soon as he spotted Soobin's figure walking towards his direction. His first thought was to run away-but at the moment, it was more because he wanted to take Soobin away from the girls than wanting to avoid him.

Soobin spotted him too- they made eye contact. Yeonjun hurriedly shifted his gaze and started walking as if he didn't see him, looking ahead. Soobin was quick to run up to him, and he felt his arm being grabbed.

" Yeonjun, we need to talk" Yeonjun turned around to be met with Soobin's worried eyes.

"I'm so sorry fo-" Yeonjun struggled out of Soobin's grip and refused to look at him, looking somewhere else over his shoulder.

Not just somewhere, his eyes were fixated on the two girls who were now pushing the long haired girl towards Soobin.

He looked at Soobin's eyes for a moment, and then back at the girl.

"Listen to me please?" Soobin pleaded softly, turning Yeonjun's face with his chin to look at him. Now the girl was just a few feets away from where they were standing.

He called out. "Heyyy!"

He hid the bitterness in his voice as he spoke with his most enthusiastic tone he could manage. Soobin turned towards the girl too, following Yeonjun's eyes.

To Yeonjun's rescue, the girl gave a shy smile to Soobin as soon as Soobin's eyes landed on her.

"Hey Soobin..." Yeonjun plastered a happy smile on his face and pushed Soobin towards the girl. He ignored the lump in his throat and said," Dude, looks like she wants to talk to you. I'll get going,see yaaa" he whispered to Soobin and slightly bowed at the girl before slipping away,waving at Soobin. Soobin turned his feet to follow him, but the girl in front of him grabbed the hem of his shirt. He gave her a confused look, as his eyes now had lost the trace of Yeonjun.

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