Chapter 9 - Thanks giving, not literally

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" Soobin... The a-accident..."

The first thought that came to Soobin's mind when he heard that was that somebody Yeonjun knows must have met with an accident. He wishes it wasn't crucial because the thought of seeing Yeonjun lose someone he loved terrified him.

Nevertheless, he listened attentively, fully focusing on what Yeonjun had to say.

" My grandfather. Aunt called and said he got into an accident Soobin. " Yeonjun said, his voice almost inaudible.

" How is he now? Is it crucial? What did your aunt say?" Soobin asked, now getting worried about his friend's grandfather.

" I don't know. She didn't say much. But the tone of her voice scared me Soobin,I'm scared- I don't know I just-" Yeonjun said messaging his knuckles, as if to calm his mind.

Soobin felt as if someone was tightening a rope around his heart, seeing Yeonjun so restless. So he patted Yeonjun's head and assured that everything was going to be okay.

But Yeonjun wasn't ready to think that way.

" But Soobin, he was the one who raised me. When my parents were away for work, he was the one who took care of me! I don't want to lose him, it makes me scared. And the thought that I don't even know the state he's in makes me terrified. What if he's fighting for life while I'm just crying here pathetically?"

" Crying is not pathetic Jun. It's okay, no one's gonna judge you. "

He didn't get an answer, instead, Yeonjun fixed his gaze on his hands which had been holding Soobin's all this time.

They were silent for a moment.

" You want to go see him?" Soobin was the one to break the silence.

"huh?" Yeonjun looked up.

" Where does he live?"

"Who? You mean my grandfather?" Soobin nodded,

" Busan."

Soobin stood up, taking his phone from Yeonjun's study table, checking the train schedule.

"The next train to Busan is in 25 minutes" He stated.

" Now get ready before we miss the train."

Yeonjun finally understood what Soobin's plan was and said in reply,

"You don't have to. You must be exhau-" Soobin walked up to him and put a finger over Yeonjun's lips signaling him to shut up.

"Stop talking and go put something on"

Yeonjun obeyed, and Soobin for the first time saw Yeonjun not being bothered if he smelled good or if his pants matched his top. Still he looked great even with an unfashionable plain black tshirt and pants.

Soobin held Yeonjun's hand who locked the door and start running towards the train station, luckily the rain had stopped now, only leaving little puddles here and there.

Soobin felt his shoe getting wet as he stepped on a puddle, but he didn't care. The atmosphere was chilly, but a warmth spread all across his body starting from where he was holding Yeonjun's hand.

He heard Yeonjun's footsteps following right behind, catching up to his pace, panting slightly because of all the running.

When they got inside the train after good 7 minutes, both of them were panting heavily. Soobin took a deep breath before signaling Yeonjun to sit, him following after.

Fortunately, the train wasn't crowded since it was past 8 p.m. and most of the office workers and students had got home, so they had seats.

Soobin held Yeonjun's hand for the nth time that day, and gave it a tight squeeze.

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