Chapter 11- Mirror

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this is my fav chap so far, but im feeling like shit 😶 hope you enjoy.

Ever since they arrived from Busan, something in their relationship had changed.

Soobin had written down the promise he had made to Yeonjun's grandfather on his diary, in big letters AND in a different colour, just so he wouldn't forget it.

And the two boys seemed to have gotten closer mentally.

And physically.

Yeonjun had come to a strict decision that he wasn't going to let go of Soobin no matter what after all that he had done for him. he had comforted him when he was crying, rode all the way to Busan to make Yeonjun happy, helped him look after the person he loved the most in the world. There was no way Yeonjun was giving up his love for Soobin no matter what his overthinking and anxiety says.

He was going to make Soobin fall for him.

He was going to hold onto him as tight as he could and make sure that Soobin doesn't slip through his fingers.

And that's what he was doing now.

He was holding onto Soobin's favourite white t-shirt,his body pressing to Soobin's side as they cuddled on Yeonjun's bed, watching five feet apart.

Apparently, Soobin's body was so warm and comfy but Yeonjun, being a person with a weak body who gets cold easily ( That was what he had told Soobin) had asked Soobin if they could cuddle so he no longer would feel cold.

And who was Soobin to say no to those puppy eyes?

He loved feeling the warmth radiating off of Yeonjun. Whenever the other was close to him, he had this inexplicable feeling. It was like drinking your favourite hot chocolate on a rainy day. It made his whole body warm and a fuzzy feeling in his stomach and left him feeling all giggly and euphoric.

He adjusted his position putting an arm around Yeonjun and the older didn't react, his eyes fully focused on the screen. Soobin wa beyons happy to have him be comfortable around him after their unnecessary incident on the first day he was over.

He too, focused his eyes on the screen and struggled to watch the movie and read the subtitles at the same time.

Minutes passed, and Soobin felt the older shifting in his hold, so he removed his hand that was around Yeonjun's body, thinking it might be making the other uncomfortable.

Yeonjun got up and sat crossed legged on the bed, and Soobin watched him take the remote from the nightstand and turn off the movie.

" Do you know Kai? Same year as you?" Yeonjun spoke up.

" You mean Huening Kai? The blonde one?" Soobin tilted his head in confusion.

" Yeah, him. Do you know I'm friends with him? His birthday is coming and we are having a little party....just the close friends..."

Soobin nodded, signaling the other to continue.

But Yeonjun didn't continue and seemed to have found the lamp stand quite interesting than what he was trying to say.

" okayyyy....?" Soobin furrowed his eye brows, still unsure of what the older was driving at.

" You know... he wanted you to join. Since you're my friend now it would be great if we could hang out together..."

" I mean,no pressure you don't have to j-ust... just come if you like" Yeonjun said waving his hands in defense, and falling flat on the bed to hide his reddened cheeks.

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