Chapter 21- Slow dancing and honey tasting*

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A/N contains mature content so I'll put a warning before that. plus this is my first time writing explicit content so bare with me lol

Soobin was now standing in front the dance studio Yeonjun recently had started going to. He waited to see if Yeonjun comes out, when he did not- Soobin approached the guy on the counter and luckily he agreed to let Soobin in.

So he took careful steps hoping to catch a glimpse of the older. Every dance room was dead silent, except for the dance room in the furthest corner which had faint music playing.

He turned the door handle and carefully opening a little and peeked in. there was Yeonjun engulfed in a passionate dance- so into that he didn't even noticed Soobin who had opened the door fully to get a view of the dancing grace in front of him.

He moved in such a way that it reminded Soobin of a feather in the wind. Rhythmic and gentle- yet so full of grace. His expressions was of someone in pain and Soobin was starting to feel a pain in his heart by looking at Yeonjun dancing to the song that imitated a wail.

The music receded to a more light and ballad like one. Yeonjun finished off with one last spin and Soobin clapped.

Yeonjun turned to Soobin who was standing on the doorway and mustered up a smile amidst of his panting. Yeonjun grabbed the bottle that was placed on the floor and walked to Soobin. Soobin let out a small hello slipping his hands to Yeonjun's waist-bringing him closer.

"Why are the other competitors even trying when you're this good?" Yeonjun blushed."How long have you been watching?"

"Not long, but enough to have my jaw on the floor and ouch, you're so good at delivering the emotions it hurt right here" Soobin said pointing at his heart.

Yeonjun gently pushed him, telling him not to exaggerate. Soobin laughed and Yeonjun did too.

"I'm almost jealous about you performing in front of others, kinda wanted to be the only one to see you like this" Soobin exclaimed.

"Then how about I give you a lap dance? No one has ever got that before" Yeonjun winked and Soobin gasped before bursting into a pit of laughter.

Amidst their laughter, the song switched to a slow and romantic one as it was still left playing.

Soobin started swaying side to side along with Yeonjun which soon turned into a slow dance.

It felt surreal, holding Yeonjun close while he giggled holding onto his shoulder. Soobin felt a feeling of euphoria creeping up into his heart, exploding it into small flower petals which turned into fluttering butterflies.

Yeonjun swirled around Soobin's lifted hand and paused midway, letting out groan and clutching his shoulder tightly. Soobin looked at him worriedly."Are you okay?" Yeonjun smiled. "Guess I've been practicing for too long-"

"Do you want me to give a massage when we get home? You can stay over at mine today, I mean if you want- obviously"

Yeonjun's eyes lit up with a smile at that. He hugged Soobin tightly and said,"Can we take out from somewhere? I'm starving"

"Ofcourse, anything for my Caramels." Soobin said and booped Yeonjun's nose.


Soobin found the ointments from his first aid kit and sat infront of Yeonjun who was sitting on the bed with his legs crossed. He smiled at him. Yeonjun pulled his shirt over his head, and suddenly for some reason-Soobin found it oddly slow. He chuckled to himself remembering the way he had his eyes closed last time when Yeonjun was shirtless.

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