Chapter 8 - Heart break

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Their mini English lessons seemed to be getting better day by day, by better I mean that Yeonjun somehow managed to not get flustered by Soobin's accident touches here and there,and finish at least one lesson in that old grammar book. After teaching the lesson, he would let Soobin do the activities in the back of the book by himself and would secretly stare at the other he attentively did the acitivities.In Yeonjun's defense Soobin looked extremely attractive,fully focused on the book.

It was a slow progress, but thanks to Yeonjun's strategy of watching English movies with Soobin when they had time seemed to be helping a lot actually. ( Not only in improving Soobin's English but also in Yeonjun's mission of making Soobin fall for him because they were almost cuddling at the end of every film).

Soobin found it adorable how Yeonjun would slightly jump and snuggle closer to his chest unconsciously, his face almost disappearing in Soobin's oversized shirts, when a scary scene came in the movie. Or how the older would blush at a kissing scene. It was just so endearing to watch that he just wanted to throw away all the plushies his mom brought him when he was young and replace each and every one of them with mini Yeonjuns.

Soobin had even started to borrow books from Yeonjun and Yeonjun being whipped at everything Soobin did gladly recommended all the books he loved.

That day, Soobin was standing at the bus stop with an umbrella he had borrowed from Yeonjun. They hadn't been studying English this time, they were just doing their homework together and by the time they had decided to call it a day,it had suddenly started pouring. Yeonjun had asked Soobin to stay until the rain die down, but Soobin was just too exhausted that he just wanted to flop on his bed and pass out. Yeonjun's bed wasn't a choice since that last incidence was still kind of awkward for Soobin.

So here he was, with the umbrella he had borrowed from the other male, waiting for a bus. The bus was late than usual, so he reached out to his pocket, digging for his phone,

Shit, he cursed under his breath. He had left it at Yeonjun's.

He hurriedly rushed to Yeonjun's place, at this point he was familiar with the neighborhood as if he lived there. When he was at his friend's door whom he had gotten closer with in such a short time, he stopped for a second to catch his breath.

He was about to knock on the door,when he stopped midway, hearing someone crying.

That someone was crying so loud, that he could hear it despite the pouring rain.

He looked around confused, but after realizing the crying was coming from nowhere other than Yeonjun's apartment, his breath hitched.

He barged in, not bothering to knock even. At that moment, he gave zero fucks about having to face Yeonjun's wrath if he was not actually crying and Soobin had just overreacted for nothing. He preferred getting scolded than having to see his precious Yeonjun cry.

He mindlessly scanned the living room in search of Yeonjun and his gaze landed on the closed door of Yeonjun's room. He turned the door knob with too much too much force and barged into the room and his eyes immediately landed on the blue haired male who was now staring at him with big eyes, wet tears evident in his eyes.

Soobin had thought he was worried sick at the thought of Yeonjun crying, the sight in front of him made him want to tear the oceans apart and bring the other whatever he wanted. He felt something inside him break as he saw another tear leave Yeonjun's eye, so he rushed towards Yeonjun, and engulfed him with a hug.

Yeonjun said nothing, instead he broke into loud sobs tugging at Soobin's shirt. Soobin pulled him closer, if that was possible, and patted Yeonjun's back with his right hand as his left hand held Yeonjun's head close to his chest.

" Shshsh... don't cry, I'm here"

Soobin felt his shirt getting wet as more tears flowed from Yeonjun's eyes. With the sound of the rain hitting the ground and Yeonjun's crying, suddenly happiness felt long gone. He panicked when he couldn't remember Yeonjun's smiling face all of a sudden and inhaled a deep breath.

He held Yeonjun by the shoulders and stared at his eyes. It was hard to meet the older's gaze as he tried to avoided it, but it finally landed on Soobin's.

" whatever it is, it's going to be okay. Relax. Take a deep breath"

" now... 1... 2 ...3..."

He instructed, following the instructions himself and Yeonjun followed, his sobs dying down with every inhale.

The faint hint of a smile appeared on Soobin's face seeing Yeonjun had stopped crying after what felt like centuries.

He took Yeonjun's delicate hands and gave them a reassuring squeeze.

Yeonjun finally looked up to Soobin's eyes willingly with heart-breaking eyes,

" Soobin... The a-accident..."



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