Chapter 12- Insane

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I'm sry Im not good at writing dialogues  🙂 but here's a double update

They got off the bus as Yeonjun instructed and he was leading the way.

Yeonjun's eyes travelled in the neighborhood before dragging Soobin to the familiar house and ringing the doorbell.

The gate opened and Soobin noticed the simple yet luxurious feeling the house had. The walls of Huening Kai's house was decorated with a pearl white paint, and from the exterior of it Kai was RICH, Soobin could say.

The door was already opened and Beomyu and another boy seemed to had already arrived. That another's name was Taehyun if Soobin's memory was correct. When Beomgyu noticed the pair,he called out to them, startling the other two in the house.


Soobin already felt awkward being unfamiliar with Taehyun and Kai, the only thing he knew about them being that they were in the same year.

Then he was introduced to Taehyun and Huening Kai, who were familiar with the raven haired boy more than enough because of Yeonjun's big fat crush on him, but acted as if they didn't know much about the boy either.

Taehyun stared straight at Soobin's eyes when they shook hands and Soobin felt as if he was being judged by the smaller. Despite being taller than Taehyun, he felt small when he felt his foxy eyes on him.

" So you're hyung's lover boy?" Taehyun broke the stare and said teasingly.

" WE.ARE.NOT.DATING.!" Yeonjun said through gritted teeth and Soobin felt Yeonjun's hold on his hand tighten.

The hold on his land tighten?

" But your hands say otherwise?" Taehyun pointed at their hands and Yeonjun's eyes followed where Taehyun was pointing at.

Yeonjun realized his hands were holding Soobin's big and veiny hands, he must have been holding his hand the entire time.

Not much of a big deal though.

They went as far as cuddling, but this was the first time they had physical contact in public, it made Yeonjun shy.

He felt blood rush to his cheeks as he let go of Soobin's hand.

" HOLDING HANDS DOESN'T MEAN WE ARE DATING FOR GOD'S SAKE!!" Yeonjun's voice came out as more of a high pitched scream, making him cringe at himself.

" Hyung, you make it sound like dating me is a bad thing" Soobin chuckeled and the other three widened their eyes in shock.

Yeonjun must have done a great job flirting with Soobin, they thought.

" YEONJUN HYUNG WOULD LOVE TH-" Taehyun was cut off when Yeonjun jumped into him and pretended to lightly choke him.

Beomgyu joined,trying to save Taehyun from Yeonjun's hold, screaming that he didn't want to be a single father and soon, a fight broke out.

Soobin and Kai glanced at each other and came to a silent agreement before trying to break apart the three now at each other's neck like wild woodcocks.

It was fun, screaming and laughing around.

Surprisingly, Soobin soon hit it off with his new friends and found himself enjoying. And he was forever thankful,to Yeonjun for bringing such people to his boring life.

They cut cake, sang the birthday song, Kai made a wish, and that was the typical birthday party.

" GUYS! GUESS WHAT I GOT!" Beomgyu who had been missing for more than fifteen minutes suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

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