Chapter 23- Original confessions

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Soobin finally took Yeonjun out for dinner as he wanted.

On their two month anniversary to be exact. Though it was nothing fancy but a minimalist dinner at a diner by the sea, both found it romantic enough to make their hearts drench with overflowing glee.

Soobin loved how clumsy Yeonjun got when it came to food, getting the food on his chin giving Soobin the perfect opportunity to wipe it off his face dramatically, like in the movies. You gotta seize the opportunity after all

Another thing Soobin abosolutely loved was how he caught Yeonjun staring at him endearingly with glistening eyes who, looked away when caught. Soobin was so sure he'd be able to see Yeonjun looking away when caught staring even decades later, and the thought warmed him up—hugging him like the first rays of sunlight through your window.

Also, something he noticed in the past two months was that Yeonjun's habit of complimenting something and then throwing slight insults at the other as his love language. It was either Soobin's face when crushed into a pillow apparently looking as cute as a half boiled egg or him loving Soobin's naturally pitch black hair because it looked like he fell from a chimney in an old rusty house. He loved that habit of his boyfriend- it being one of his favourite traits about Yeonjun.

"Why are you smiling at your plate as if there's a handsome frog in it and you're that one sleeping princess waiting for it to kiss you??" Yeonjun made a face of disgust, but the curves of his lips turned upwards didn't do it justice which made Soobin let out a laugh letting his head fall backwards.

"Why don't we actually get a frog and kiss it to see if it turns to a prince? I mean—anything's possible,you know? And I'm kind of touch deprived too, so maybe I should try-"

Yeonjun let out a fake gasp. "You're literally glued to me whole day along and say you're touch deprived? How greedy can you be huh?" Yeonjun said and gently kicked Soobin's leg under the table.

Soobin felt that, and decided to play a little—completely ignoring the older and focusing on the food on the plate.

Yeonjun abandoned the food again, determined to get Soobin to play footsies with him. after a few futile attempts, a victorious smile appeared on his face as Soobin finally gave in and he sticked his tongue out playfully, teasing Soobin.

After a few moments of the clitter clatter of the utensils hitting their plates and a few playful remarks here and there (mostly by Yeonjun), Soobin spoke up.

"You see that shop over there?" Soobin pointed his finger at the shop lightened with the bright lights upon the fall of the dusk.

Yeonjun turned around as he was facing the other way around, and nodded—letting Soobin continue.

"Do you want us to go and maybe buy something?"

Yeonjun raised his eye brow his tone lacing with mischief. "What do you mean by something? As far as I can see that's a freaking jewelary shop..."



Soobin stared blankly at the rings displayed in front of him. Why. Was. This. So. Fucking. Hard?

Every time his eyes landed on a pair of rings, he immediately thought they were pretty which resulted in him exclaiming his love for literraly every ring that was brought out.

Soobin looked over to Yeonjun and saw him carefully switching his gaze on each and every pair. Soobin watched his eyes trace over the pretty objects. One by one. Soobin saw his eyes glistening a little upon landing on a particular pair. He continued to inspect the rings taking his time, and Yeonjun's eyes drifted over to that one pair over and over again, he made up his mind.

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