Chapter 3 - F.R.I.E.N.D.S.

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The next day, Yeonjun spent half of his lunch break trying to find Soobin.

Soobin on the other hand, despite being as tall as the coconut tree in Yeonjun's grandpa's house in the Busan, seemed to have disappeared on the very day that Yeonjun decided to approach him.

None of Yeonjun's friends knew about his little journey to find Soobin just because Yeonjun was afraid that he might lose his new found courage and come off as a coward in the end.

Hence, the boy was all alone and by the time he found Soobin in the study area near the library he was almost convinced that Soobin had been abducted.

Yes, he did find Soobin but he didn't have any idea how to confront the other. Simply walking up to him and starting up a conversation seemed to not be the solution since Yeonjun didn't want make a bad first impression and make Soobin think he was a total creep.

So there he was succefully wasting his precious time lingering in the area, sitting in a table in the opposite direction Soobin was facing.

He pulled out a book, pretending to read it. But WHO would read a book when THE Choi Soobin is sitting in front of you?!

To Yeonjun, Soobin was a perfectly written poem,with letters arranged in lines one after the other like one arranges little kids in a nursery. He was sure that he could spent an entire life time reading it and understanding.

He tried to look anywhere that was not Soobin in case someone sees him staring at Soobin. But his eyes just won't cooperate as it always found its way towards Soobin. He observed the way Soobin's black hair bounced everytime his head moved, waiting for a chance to talk to Soobin, but his luck being the pain in the ass it is didn't really seem to be by his side.

On the other hand, Soobin felt someone's gaze on him.

Forget about all the books telling you that you don't feel it when someone is staring at you because trust Soobin when he says you do. ( he had found it in a psychology article and he has all his screenshots ready to prove what he says).

As Soobin couldn't focus on the song he's trying to listen to, he dediced to know who had the audacity to stare at his handsome face for this long.

Still,turning his head and checking who it is seemed kind of inappropriate. What if they make eye contact and Soobin makes it awkward?

Soobin was smarter than that. His brain with two brain cells somehow came to an agreement that ACCIDENTLY dropping his ear phones on the floor was a good idea and that he could take a look at the person as if he was just picking up the ear phones.

So he ACCIDENTLY dropped his ear phones on the floor and even before he could take a look around, a person covered his vision and reached for the earphones, but the other was a little bit faster than Soobin because the next thing Soobin knew was that the other had his earphones in his hands.

The other's blue hair slightly touched the black haired one's face as he lifted his head. They locked eyes and the only thing Soobin could think was that the stranger smelled of baby cologne!! For god's sake, what was wrong with him today??

Do people his age still use baby products? Wait, the other boy didn't look his age. Maybe younger? Or older? He wondered as a small smile made its way to his lips before he came to the conclusion that whoever this stranger was, must still use the baby products because all those face washes and stuff for adults seemed too harsh for the other's delicate baby skin.

Just a moment ago, Yeonjun had almost missed the chance to talk to Soobin.

His fox eyes caught Soobin accidently dropping his ear phones on the floor, and without giving it a second thought he jolted up from the chair and the next thing he knew was he was there holding Soobin's ear phones in his hands. And when Soobin locked eyes with him, his brain suddenly stopped functioning and he felt breathless as if he had done a 100m race.

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