Chapter 15- frustrated

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Soobin was now skipping down the hallway to the school washroom after successfully slipping the note that carried the message tp meet him at the rooftop after school, to the girl's locker.

He had put all his effort for the note, which included a ten minute walk to the bookstore, choosing the pastel pink coloured paper after a neck to neck competition with the yellow coloured one, buying a new black fountain pen, then writing the note with his best handwriting (which was the easiest part considering Soobin's handwriting was neat and clear)

Now he just needed to go through the lines he had prepared for his final rehearsal of his flawless confession.

And where else is the best place to practice your well-scripted confession than the washroom?

Maybe luck was by his side, because all the stalls were empty giving him the perfect chance to complete his mission.

He locked eyes with his reflection in the mirror who had neatly styled his hair revealing his forehead, giving him a more matured look than usual.

He smiled at himself, satisfied with his look and cleared his throat.

"........ I don't know if I did a good job at expressing how I feel, but I hope you get what I'm trying to say...." All his practicing last night seemed to be working.

"..... I like you Yeonj-"

Or maybe not.

The male found himself chuckling at his mistake. Seriously Soobin? From where did his friend's name came from when he had no relevance?

It's okay. Let's try again...

He ran out of time as the bell blasted through the speakers making the black haired male let out a groan.

Maybe he should postpone his final practice to after school.

The lessons he had later that day passed rather slowly, with him being unable to contain his excitement leading him to tap his feet on the floor continuously, earning him the wrath of his teacher which was a rare sight to his classmates since he was such a goody two shoes.

However, the mere second the class was dismissed he was already out of the door. Now he just need to do the FINAL practice (for real this time), fix his hair a little and dang! His status was gonna change from single to taken. The girl surely wouldn't reject him, right?

He noticed a familiar figure from afar in the hallways and a smile crept into his face. The blue head waved at him and picked up his pace to approach Soobin who did the same.

"Ready?" Yeonjun asked. However, the older wasn't much like his usual self these days. Soobin made a mental note to look for the matter which lead the other to be this way in the past few days before replying,

"Thanks to your help, yes."

"Are you heading to the rooftop?"

"Nope, not yet. But I gotta hurry up though. I have to do one last practice, just to make sure-"

Yeonjun shook his head, disapprovingly.

"Just be honest with her, practicing some scripted lines in useless Soobin. You're not doing some presentation in front of a class, for fuck's sake"

Soobin rolled his eyes at the comment.

"Not practice and go stutter in front of her? No thanks" Yeonjun scoffed.

" Whatever floats your boat then. Want me to wait for you to finish?"

" AWWW!! THANK YOU HYUNG!!!YOU KNOW YOU'RE THE BEST RIGHT?" Soobin lightly hugged the older with a big smile on his face but Yeonjun pulled away.

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