Chapter 14 - No strings attached

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Surely, love is such a wonderful thing.

Even the greatest books written don't know the meaning of that four letter word; still, every one of us have used it countless times in our lives and will continue to use it, despite it having no definite definition.

A blessing, a curse, happiness, misery, butterflies, storms, a strength, a weakness, you name it. It's a variable that changes from person to person.

Despite all the short-comings love bring, we give it our all, and fall in love with the butterflies in our stomachs knowing butterflies end with lies. We risk our lives for our lover knowing lover ends with over.

We give them a gun pointed at our heart and trust them to never pull the trigger.

We unwrap the bubble wrap of our fragile hearts and hand them over to keep it safe.

And sometimes you have your heart returned, broken and unfixable.

Sometimes you find out the beautiful rose you fell in love with ask for the crimson liquid in your heart to feed its petals.

What is love?

It's up to you to decide.

And right now, Yeonjun was more than certain, that what love meant for him was a sea of misery waiting to drawn him.

If you asked him what love was a few days ago, he would have replied you with all the positive adjectives you can think of because he was THAT happy to have Soobin beside him, holding him close even.

It all changed when one day Yeonjun was subjected to a revelation of something he clearly didn't see coming.

Soobin's crush.

Apparently, Soobin had had his eyes on a girl even before Yeonjun came and when Soobin told this with his cheeks blushed and eyes shimmering, the older wanted nothing but to vomit all the rainbows and butterflies from before.

Was he that dumb? To not notice there was someone else in Soobin's life? Was he that much of a fool to live in a fantasy, thinking there was a slight chance that maybe, just maybe the younger might be able to reciprocate his feelings?

And the worst part of it?

Soobin, had asked him to TEACH HIM how to confess to the girl! Life really wasn't fair, was it?

And that's why he was sitting on his bed on a Saturday morning waiting for Soobin to come, his nose red,cheeks puffy and lips pouting after a good amount of crying with 'heather' blasting in his earphones.

He could have missed the sound of his doorbell ringing because of the music if he wasn't waiting for the other.

He dragged himself out of the bed, but unlike other times Soobin had come over, he couldn't say he was feeling excited to meet the younger due to the mess of emotions he was going through.

Still, there was that annoying part in him that was eagerly waiting for the doorbell to ring, and that part was enough to make Yeonjun get up and rush to open the door.

And when he did, the black haired male peeked his head from the door and his lips curved upwards to a smile when his eyes met Yeonjun's, revealing his dimples.

His right dimple's a little deeper than the other.

Yeonjun noticed.

"May I come in?"

A scoff left Yeonjun at the question.

"Asks the one who has never asked for permission before!"

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