Chapter 6 - Study?

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It was five days later when Soobin finally got the time for his English lesson with Yeonjun, even though he had promised Yeonjun to come over the other day. Much to his dismay, he was assigned to help his teacher after school with the school work the whole week. Yeonjun wasn't very pleased with the news but he had no saying in this, for he clearly knew that even if he told Soobin to ditch the teacher, he wouldn't listen considering the fact Soobin was such a goody-two-shoes.

However they somehow managed to find each other during every lunch break, almost as if they had been besties for ages.

Now THAT was something Yeonjun was happy about.

Every lunch break when he saw Soobin find his way towards the older, he could barely hold himself back from squealing like a high school girl in love. If the other was one minute late, Yeonjun would start over thinking and come up with the most ridiculous and absurd excuses as to why Soobin was absent, which made Soobin almost end up on the floor, clutching his stomach, when being told. Soobin was surprised at the creativity of the other and added how Yeonjun could actually use that for his essays rather than writing the same thing over and over again in different ways.

Now they were heading to yeonjun's place, which was Yeonjun's choice; ( He had thought about the thing over and over again during the whole week and had finally concluded that he wasn't ready to go the Soobin's house YET, because knowing himself, his dumb head would want to believe that he had actually made some progress and start living in a fantasy that was totally different from the reality.) a very excited Soobin was following the blue haired one who mindlessly played with his fingers, almost getting the route he followed everyday for nearly one year wrong.

While walking, Soobin got to know that the other had moved out from his parents' around one year ago and added that he himself had moved out not so long ago and that he kind of missed his parents. Yeonjun missed them too, no doubt, but he was happy alone, because he often got worked up over the smallest things, even if they were not his personal matters. Moving out had helped him out in a way, because then he had to worry about himself only.

After walking for god knows how long, the pair was infront of Yeonjun's apartment and as Yeonjun was about to twist the door handle, a sudden wave of anxiety rushed over to him making him question taking Soobin, his crush, to his house was a good idea. He shook his head, pushing the thought to the back of his head, and stepping inside the house. It wasn't big, neither was it small, it was enough for one person, with a spacious living room, a bathroom and a balcony with two rooms. ( He was glad he had chosen an apartment with two rooms because whenever his friends were over, having the dating couple inside your room could get very disgusting for a very single person like Yeonjun)

The first thing Soobin noticed when he stepped inside Yeonjun's place was house clean it was. Soobin was clean, indeed but there was this magical touch in Yeonjun's place. It was like no matter how much time you spend on cleaning it can't be matched with the five minutes your mother spends on cleaning. It had that girlish touch which makes everything aesthetically pleasing.

" You want something to drink or have a shower before we get into studying?"

Yeonjun offered but Soobin quickly refused, though he kind of wanted to have a look inside Yeonjun's bathroom which sounded highkey creepy. Yeonjun rushed to the bathroom to take a shower, saying he stinks, telling Soobin to make himself comfortable. Soobin didn't think Yeonjun stink, in fact the older smelled really good; he smelled like a mixture of vanilla and coffee at times he didn't smell like baby cologne.Now come to think of it Soobin realized that Yeonjun's house too, smelled of coffee.

Was he a coffee person? Soobin wondered. Maybe he's the type to write 'stressed,blessed and coffee obsessed' in his Instagram bio? Damn it, Soobin mentally face palmed himself for forgetting to follow Yeonjun's Instagram account. No wonder, Soobin didn't have much of an interest on social media, but for the little time he had known Yeonjun, he had assumed Yeonjun must be a fashionista and his curiosity took the best of him, so he took out his phone typing out the older's name in the search bar. Several account popped out, Soobin scanned the profile pictures and found Yeonjun's account and pressed follow. Confirming he had followed the right account, Yeonjun's phone beeped.

Yeonjun's didn't hear the beeping of his phone or whatever; he was quite busy panicking in the bathroom. When they arrived,he had dashed out to the bathroom and was unsure if Soobin was disappointed with his hospitality. The bare thought of Soobin being in his house, and now in his room to be exact didn't really help Yeonjun's heart. He turned on the shower quickly, to avoid Soobin getting suspicious, and jumped in the shower letting the warm water wash away his worries. He took a deep breath, tried to think rationally without panicking.

He wanted to get closer to Soobin, and here he was, on his way to get what he wanted and he didn't want his overthinking to ruin everything he had worked for. Not this time. He was determined. Now that he had the chance, might as well dress up nice and maybe lowkey flirt with Soobin a bit? He wasn't sure about the flirting part, but when it came to dressing up, Yeonjun knew Soobin was bound to be impressed. He had always had a great sense of fashion ( he was VERY thankful for that because he certainly didn't want to go around looking like a badly dressed hamster)

To say Soobin was surprised would be an understatement. When Yeonjun had stepped out of the shower, his eyes went big, seeing how well the older had pulled off shorts and a plain shirt with one if its sleeve hanging on Yeonjun's right arm, revealing his collarbones. He gulped and managed a smile before his eyes scanned the room to find somewhere else to look, anywhere other than Yeonjun. Did Yeonjun dress this well just to stay at home? Soobin suddenly felt like back at home, him in his baggy sweats and an oversized shirts must look like a potato in its sack.He slightly shifted the position he was in, switching more of his weight to his right leg, his back leaning on what seemed like Yeonjun's study table. The table let out a slight creek at the weight of Soobin and he straightened his back,not wanting to break the furniture of his new friends house the first day he had come over.

His pulse quickened as Yeonjun came closer to him, giving him a smile before pulling out a fat book that looked like it had been used to generations, which read ' Basic English Grammar for Beginners: New Edition' in big letters.

"When I first moved to the USA,I had zero knowledge on grammar, but my grandpa gifted me this before we moved and boy! This work wonders!!" Yeonjun said, dramatically throwing his arms around, which made the other chuckle.

" Okayy wonder boy, now let's get into studying, shall we? You took your sweet time in the shower leaving me here all alone!" Soobin said in a playful tone, nudging Yeonjun, with a big smile on his face.

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