Chapter 17- Uncertainties and universes

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First of sorry for not updating sooner. wz questioning my ability to right everyday and istg that was hell! I finally got this done and have this reaaalllyyyy long update with 4000+ words as an apology for not updating. i'm still not really confident in my writing and will very much appreciate it if u could leave ur ideas on the chapter in the comments. ily <3

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Maths sucked.

And Soobin couldn't be happier about his class being finally dismissed for the lunch break because brainstorming for questions like if the speed of light is 3*108 and the distance between the sun and the earth was this then calculate the height of your window was nearly enough to drive a sane man insane.

A sigh escaped from the raven haired boy as he placed his backpack on his usual table, settling himself down finally. He pulled out his earphones before swiping down on his playlist for a good song. His eyes wander over the playlists for a second or two before he presses play on a song. He closes his eyes in an attempt to chase away the tiredness.

"Just one day if I can be the one that's always on your mind

Just one day if I can take our hands and let them intertwine,

Just one day, for one-"

He opened his eyes, feeling the presence of someone and hearing the sound of a bag being placed on his table.

"What are you listening to?" Yeonjun's honey voice spoke. Was it just Soobin or did Yeonjun appear everytime he tried to listen to music?

"Just one day, for one day..."

Soobin paused the song and removed his earphones, a smile creeping up to his face, lighting it up.

"Better than listening to the rocks-hitting-the-tin-roof sound effect of your voice ofcourse" That felt like the biggest lie Soobin had ever told because sis! if rocks hitting a tin roof sounded like Yeonjun's voice he was ready to live in a house made of tin and have people throw rocks at him.

"You're just jealous because my voice is just so exceptional, inimitable, amazing, astonishing,marvelous,miraculous and mind blowing"

"Pretty sure you googled the synonyms for intolerable Jun"

Yeonjun, who was now sitting beside Soobin pretended to wrap his hands around Soobin's neck and choke him, gritting his teeth in a jokingly manner.

"Do you have a chocking kink or something?"

A slight shade of pink decorated the cheeks of Yeonjun. He kind of did and guess what? Soobin's long fingers looked so pretty that Yeonjun wanted nothing but to- "What if I do?"

"Nevermind I kinda do too" Soobin laughed revealing his bunny teeth, and Yeonjun slapped him, the crimson of his cheeks turning to a deeper shade.

He took Soobin's earphones from his hands and placed it on his ears before resuming the song Soobin had paused

" Woah, wait! When did you claim the ownership of my phone huh?" Soobin said and tried to snitch the phone in Yeonjun's hands.

Yeonjun got up from his seat beside Soobin and held the phone as high as he could with a playful grin on his face. Soobin stared at him in disbelief. Seriously?

Soobin scoffed.

"Do you really think I'm some 5 feet tall dwarf? I'm 6'1'' for fuck's sake!!" Soobin snatched the phone from Yeonjun easily. Being tall surely had its perks.

But seeing the cute little pout on Yeonjun's face, his heart did a twist and he suddenly started to feel bad. So he pulled Yeonjun from his arm, making him sit next to him before putting back a strand of Yeonjun's blue hair behind his ear to place the earbud on his ears.

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