Chapter 22 - ignoring meals for better meals*

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This too, is lowkey mature themed, so stop reading if u r uncomfortable, there'll be a warning when it starts.( there's a *** there) and im sry for those who follow my insta acc cuz the ending is based on one of my earlier poems. bt since most of u probably havent read that, I made some improvements and included it here.

"The show's at 6.00. Can you make it?" Yeonjun questioned, his sweaty palms clasped together at the back of Soobin's neck. He had just taken a shower after his practice, still his hands seemed to be sweatier than any other day.

"Are you nervous?" Soobin asked and watched as a sigh left the older. "A little-maybe? I don't know, I haven't danced in so long and I might be not as good as I was back then..." Yeonjun trailed off, Soobin unwrapped Yeonjun's arms around him and took his hands on his own. The warmth of Soobin's hands somehow seemed to have evaporated the sweat on Yeonjun's palms. Yeonjun looked at Soobin as he spoke.

"You're the strongest competitor for all I know. I know for a fact you're gonna win and before you ask-" Soobin said, placing his index on Yeonjun's lips. "-I'm not exaggerating or lying or whatever this is the rawest truth"

Yeonjun rolled his eyes" You haven't even seen the other competitors but here you are- talking as if you got everything on your palm"

" They are simply irrelevant because YOU are the main character for me. You'll always will be-okay? And guess what! I'm gonna wear a tshirt with 'Choi Yeonjun's boyfriend' in big capital letters and scream saying you're mine when you win!!"

Yeonjun balled his fists, hitting Soobin's chest teasingly. "You're gonna get kicked out dumbass. And don't you dare wear whatever you're planning to,they won't even let you in to the premises for god's sake!!"

"Then should I come naked? Is that what you're telling me??" Soobin wiggled his eye brows.

"You're crazy!" Yeonjun exclaimed, a small blush dancing around his cheeks.

"You love crazy though" Soobin said snaking his arms around Yeonjun's waist. Yes, they were always clingy, but what about it? it's the young and wild and free love after all.

Yeonjun let out a giggle. "That I can't deny."

" Caramels..." Yeonjun loved it when Soobin called him that. the nickname rolling off Soobin's tongue sounded sweet like caramels too. Yeonjun hummed.

"I thought of joining the music club too-" Yeonjun gasped,"REALLY?? I'M PROUD OF YOU! SHOULDN'T YOU HAVE DONE THAT SOONER?"

"I know right. but you know how it goes—better late than never. I'll have to be there in around ten minutes so I'll be leaving. Will you be fine with that? Don't worry-I'll be there for your event okay? Oh my god I have to get dressed in that tshirt as well!" Soobin teased.

"Quit the teasing Choi. If that's the case you better get your ass moving and be where you're supposed to be instead of clinging to me like some 80 year old who can't stand on their own feet"

"Says the real grandpa-" Soobin said, and added " By the way, how is your grandpa? The one we visited?"

"He's great actually. He contacted him a few days ago to wish me luck. And we really gotta visit him soon- as boyfriends" Yeonjun let out.

With that it felt like Yeonjun had pressed a button to activate the butterflies in Soobin's stomach. A small blush crept to his face at the thought of Yeonjun wanting to introduce him as his boyfriend to an important family member.

"Now stop blushing like some fever patient and get yo ass out of my sight—" Yeonjun voiced, pushing Soobin outside his practice room and waving him goodbye.

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