Chapter 18- Burrowed kisses and white lies

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" Soobin! Wait for me!"

Yeonjun's shout penetrated the chilly sapphires which were wrinkling the blue tapestry laid on top of the Han river. The time on Yeonjun's phone read 5.47 p.m. He threw a quick glance at the time before putting his phone back in his back pocket, the quick shot he got of Soobin walking in front of him now safe in his gallery.

Whoever living up there in the sky must be going to sleep after their tiring day, for they had drawn the black curtains and had lit the dim lights of the stars. The atmosphere was nice, and Soobin couldn't give two shits about the darkness swallowing the city.

He didn't have to anyways, because the lights were now being turned on one by one, leaving him with more than enough light to admire the pretty features of the boy who was now panting heavily after catching up to him. He stuck his tongue out.

"Hey there, shortie. How's the weather down there?" Yeonjun glared at him.

" Kinda rainy and thundering. I feel like the son of Zeus with his master lightening bolt and wanna see if this can still kill humans. Mind helping me out?" Soobin burst out laughing.

" Don't be mad shortie, you're not that short" Soobin said patting Yeonjun's head.

" CHOI SOOBIN HAVE SOME RESPECT FOR ELDERS WILL YOU?!" Yeonjun slightly pushed Soobin, his heart suddenly beating faster feeling the little pats on his head.

Soobin kept on walking and it was after a moment he realized the older falling behind again. He peeked over his shoulder to see the blue haired male ambling. So he stopped. When Yeonjun noticed Soobin waiting for him, he picked up his pace.

" Are you tired?" Soobin softly asked.

" y-yeah kind of. Can we stop for a while and take a rest? I know I'm the one who asked you to go on a walk, maybe I'm getting fatter and fatter that I can't even walk" Yeonjun let out a nervous laugh, running his hand through his blue locks.

Soobin squinted his eyes in concern.

" Now tell me, who told you you were fat huh? I don't see anything wrong with being-not really skinny-" Soobin said choosing his words carefully and purposefully avoiding the word fat. "-not like there's anything wrong with being skinny. But I think you are good the way you are. Moreover, as embarrassing it is to say this, I think your baby fat is cute so I prefer you not being worried about your weight and living your life the way you want to" Soobin spoke in a kinder tone than his usual kind tone.

Yeonjun felt a lump in his throat. He was just stating he was fat and Soobin went to an extent to give him a lecture. Maybe he had fallen for the boy in front him a little harder than he intended to. But how could he not? Soobin was the sweetest person he had ever met and he was a fool falling for him deeper and deeper when there was a huge chance Soobin might not be there to catch him when he falls.

So he mumbled a small thank you with his cheeks flushed and dragged Soobin to the nearest bench.

Silence fell as the two males sat down on the bench. Soobin made himself comfortable by putting his right leg on top of his left and putting his hands on the top of the bench right behind Yeonjun. Yeonjun panicked, though there was no reason to, and scooted further from Soobin on the bench. He unconsciously fidgeted with his fingers. He thought about something, anything to break the silence, but his head was always running to Soobin's hand which was now just beside his shoulder.

He heard a little bark.

Yeonjun snapped his head to the direction of the sound, and his eyes landed on a cute little puppy, looking lost in the middle of the jogging track. Soobin, who was secretly looking at Yeonjun from his peripheral vision, followed his eyes and landed on the puppy. He watched as a little smile danced on the corners of Yeonjun's lips. So he did what he thought was the best.

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