Chapter 10 - Promises

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Soobin was normally an early bird, but after his energy dying out to a minimal after the events of the day before, he was so worn out that he hadn't fluttered an eye even though it was past 6.30 in the morning.

Yeonjun on the other hand, despite being used to getting up well after 11 a.m. had woken up earlier. The tingles in his heart seemed to be doing a bad job at letting him have his beauty sleep.

Hence, there he was, in the kitchen struggling with one if the worst enemies he had ever encountered. And, luck wasn't in his side it seemed, because by now he had started to tear up.


Yeonjun wiped his tears with his left sleeve, and put the knife down, sighing in defeat. He could swear that the onion was staring at him with an evil grin upon his defeated state.

Moments later, he felt two arms snaking around his waist and an all too familiar scent hit his nostrils.

Soobin's lavender scent.

" Soobin?" Yeonjun's voice came out softer than he expected.

" mmm?" The younger nuzzled his head on the crook of Yeonjun's neck.

Goosebumps just said hi.

" YAHH!" Yeonjun removes Soobin's hands from his waist and turned around. Pushing the other back a little along the way.

By looking at the latter's eyes, Yeonjun could tell that he was still half asleep.

"Just what do you think you're doing huh? Come back to your senses dumbass" He bit back his smile and said in the angriest voice he could manage.

He then pinched Soobin's cheek trying to wake him up, and luckily it worked.


"Serves you right." Yeonjun replied, cockily.

" What are you doing anyways?" Soobin asked and scanned the surroundings, and then his gaze landed on the onions Yeonjun had been struggling earlier with.

Taking Yeonjun by surprise, the black head burst into a pit of laughter, clutching his stomach.

Yeonjun looked at Soobin with a blank expression with his arms crossed.

"Mind sharing the joke?"

Soobin tried to answer and pursued his lips to keep a straight face, but failed as he started laughing again, this time holding onto Yeonjun's hand for support.

Since when did he start to become this clingy?

Finally, Soobin's laughter died down and Yeonjun watched him as he tried to calm himself down with a small smile playing on his lips.

Soobin called out to the other trying to control himself hard.

"Jun, when you say you are chopping onions, you don't literally chop the onions. Cooking is an art too, you know?"

" WHATEVER SOOBIN WHAT EVER!" Yeonjun exclaimed throwing his arms around dramatically.

"I wasn't made to be a housewife anyways" The older rolled his eyes at the younger and the younger replied, flourishing his hands in defeat.

" I'm sorry okay?? Now let the five star Michelin handle this?" he pointed at the onions.

" Now who's the five star Michelin here?" Yeonjun pretended not to know.

Soobin did a spin and faced Yeonjun after.

" Tadaaaa!!! Presenting to you, Chef Choi Soobin"

" That's not even funny Soobin"

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