😇 7 😇

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The next morning Jimin is standing next to Jungkook's bed. He sighs deep before kneeling down. "Kookie? Kookie wake up." Jimin says. He shakes him a little. Jungkook groans before he opens his eyes. "What's wrong hyung?" Jungkook says in his sleepy voice. "Hobi is here." Jimin says. Jungkook immediately is sitting straight up in bed.

"Has he talked with Taehyung already?" Jungkook asks. Jimin nods. "And? How did it go?" Jungkook asks. He looks at Jimin, hopeful. "I think he should you himself." Jimin says. Jungkook sighs before he nods. "Okay. Let me get dressed. And then i'm coming downstairs." Jungkook says. Jimin nods. He gets up before leaving the room.

Jungkook sighs deep. "I hope Hobi hyung has some good news for me." Jungkook says. He gets out of bed. He changes his clothes before grabbing his phone and going downstairs.

Jungkook walks into the living room. Hoseok and Yoongi are sitting next to Jimin on the couch. "Good morning." Jungkook says. They all look up. "Good morning, Kook. Did you sleep well?" Hoseok asks. Jungkook nods. "Good." Hoseok says while smiling. Jungkook smiles back and then sits down on the other couch.

"So, did you talk with Taehyung?" Jungkook asks. Hoseok nods. "And? How did it go?" Jungkook asks. Hoseok looks at Yoongi who nods. "Hyung? Is there something wrong? Did Taehyung believed you?" Jungkook asks. Hoseok sighs before shaking his head. "I'm sorry, Kook. I've tried to tell him about you but he didn't want to know." Hoseok says.

"W-what?" Jungkook says, stuttering. "He never wants to see you again." Hoseok says. A tear rolls down on Jungkook's cheek. Hoseok sighs. He hates to tell Jungkook this. But he can't lie to him. Even though it really must hurt for him.

"I'm really sorry, Kook." Hoseok says. Jimin gets up and walks to Jungkook. He sits down next to him and grabs Jungkook's hand. "You need to give it some time, Kook. One day he will remember you again." Jimin says. Jungkook pushes him away before getting up. "I've lost him, Jimin. I really lost him. So don't say things like; give it some time or don't give up. Because there is nothing i can do anymore." Jungkook says, crying a little.

"I need to accept that Taehyung won't remember me again. I have to give up." Jungkook says. "Kook." Jungkook says. "Go away hyung. All of you should go away. Now." Jungkook says before he storms out of the living room. Jimin sighs.

"Let's go then." Jimin says. Yoongi nods. "Yeah, Jungkook needs some time alone." He says. The three of them leave. While Jungkook is crying on his bed. Feeling heartbroken.

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