😇 34 final chapter😇

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Jungkook is screaming loud. Taehyung is holding his hand. "You can do this baby. I know you can." Taehyung says. They are in the hospital. It's time for Jungkook giving birth to their baby girl. "It's hard hyung. I can't do it." Jungkook says. "Yes you can babe. And i'm here. So we are gonna do this together." Taehyung says. He kisses Jungkook's hand. The doctor smiles at them.

"Okay, you can almost start pushing." The doctor says. "I'm tired." Jungkook says who is sweating already. "I know baby. Hold on okay? Soon you can hold our baby girl in your arms." Taehyung says. He grabs a cold washcloth and he dabs Jungkook's sweaty forehead.

"Okay. It's time." The doctor says. Jungkook looks nervous at Taehyung. "There we go honey. It's time to get our baby girl." Taehyung says. Jungkook nods. He takes a deep breath before he starts pushing.

After long screaming and pushing, finally a cry of a baby is heard. Jungkook gasps and drops his head on the pillow. "Congratulations, it's an beautiful baby girl." The doctor says after examining her. Their baby girl is wrapped in towels. The doctor walks to Jungkook and he gives Jungkook carefully the baby.

"Oh my god. She is beautiful." Jungkook says while holding her and looking at her. Taehyung smiles. "She really is." Taehyung says. Taehyung moves closer to them. He wraps an arm around Jungkook's shoulder while they both look at their baby girl. The doctor takes a photo.

(Their baby girl

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(Their baby girl. I put this photo also in the media. But sometimes you can't see it in the media. So that's why i also put the photo here. Credit to the owner of the photo and to the amazing parents of this cute baby girl.)

"Welcome, Kim Bora." Jungkook says. "Welcome to the world, our beautiful baby girl." Jungkook says. Taehyung smiles and kisses Jungkook's sweaty forehead. "You were amazing babe. I'm so proud of you." Taehyung says. Jungkook smiles. "Thank you for staying with me the whole time." Jungkook says. "Ofcourse baby. I will always stay with you and our baby girl." Taehyung says. Jungkook smiles.

After two days, Jungkook and Bora can go home. They arrive at home, and Jungkook is shocked when he sees that the whole living room has decorated with balloons and garlands. "Welcome home." Jimin says while jumping up with Hoseok, Yoongi, Bogum and Minjun. Jungkook smiles as he hugs them.

"Can i see her?" Jimin asks. Jungkook nods. He looks at Taehyung. Taehyung takes Bora out of her maxi cosi. She is sleeping. "Ahh, she is so pretty." Jimin says. The other agrees with him. "You guys really have the most beautiful baby on the world." Jimin says. "We know." Taehyung says. Jimin chuckles.

"I'm gonna put her in her crib, since she is sleeping." Taehyung says. Jungkook nods. "Can i hold her when she is awake?" Jimin asks. Taehyung nods. Jimin smiles. While Taehyung puts Bora in her crib, Jimin is getting some drinks for them all.

The rest of the day, they are talking about the birth of Bora. And everyone gets the chance to hold Bora. Jungkook and Taehyung's life is now complete with their beautiful baby girl, Kim Bora.

The end. An epilogue will follow before i'll close the book. Hope you guys enjoyed this book.

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