😇 11 😇

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Jimin is still waiting for news about Jungkook. He is still alone. But Yoongi and Hoseok are on their way. Speaking of them, there they are. Jimin gets up. Hoseok and Yoongi pull him into a hug. Jimin starts crying. "It's okay, Chim. We are here now." Yoongi says. After a few minutes Jimin has stopped crying. They slowly let go of Jimin.

"Is there news already?" Hoseok asks. Jimin shakes his head. "I hope so that he will make it. But I'm scared. I'm scared that he would die." Jimin says. "Don't think like that, Chim. Jungkook is strong. He will make it. I know that for sure." Yoongi says. "But how? You can't know that for sure." Jimin says.

"Jungkook is strong, Chim. He will make it. Trust me." Yoongi says. Jimin nods slowly. "So let's sit down okay? And let's wait for news." Yoongi says. Jimin nods and they all sit down. "Should i get us some drinks?" Hoseok asks. "I don't wanna drink. I just wanna know if Jungkook is okay." Jimin says. Hoseok nods and then he looks at Yoongi.

"No i'm good. But thank you." Yoongi says. Hoseok nods. They all become quiet. They don't know what to say. Because who would know what to say in a situation like this?

After two hours, a doctor approaches them. They all get up. "How is he? Is Jungkook okay?" Jimin immediately asks. Yoongi grabs Jimin's hand. "Calm down, Chim." Yoongi says. Jimin sighs but nods. "First of all, my name is Dr. Park." The doctor says. He looks a little arrogant.

"Okay Dr. Park, can you tell us how Jungkook is doing?" Hoseok asks. "Relax okay? Let me do my job." Dr. Park says. Yoongi raises an eyebrow. "Can you please come clean with us?" Yoongi asks. "Just give me a moment, okay? You guys can't tell me what to do. I'm the doctor here. Not you guys." Dr. Park says. "Okay, give us another doctor. Before i'm gonna hit him." Yoongi says.

Dr. Park raises an eyebrow. "Excuse me?" He says. "You heard me. Bring someone else. I can't deal with your arrogant attitude." Yoongi says. Dr. Park rolls his eyes before walking away without saying anything further. Yoongi sighs deep to calm down.

"What a jerk." Yoongi says. Jimin nods. Before Hoseok can say anything another doctor approaches them. "Hello, my name is Dr. Lin. Sorry for my colleague. I'll talk to him later about his behavior." Dr. Lin says. Yoongi smiles. "So, you guys are friends with Mr. Jeon right?" Dr. Lin asks. They all nod. Dr. Lin smiles.

"So, sorry that it took very long. Mr. Jeon got an heart attack while we were busy with him." Dr. Lin says. Jimin looks at Dr. Lin in shock. "And now? Is he okay?" Jimin asks. He feels scared for his answer.

Did Jungkook survive?

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