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Months has passed.

Jungkook is now living in Ulsan. Yes he is still living in South-Korea. But he doesn't live in Seoul anymore. That same evening, Jungkook had left Seoul. He couldn't stay there anymore. And now he is living for four months in Ulsan. He haven't spoken to Yoongi, Jimin, Hoseok and Taehyung since that day. Jungkook misses them, but he knows that it's better this way.

Jungkook sighs while looking at the mirror. He put his hand on his bump. Yes he is pregnant. And yes it is Taehyung's. Jungkook is now pregnant for four months. He found out about his pregnancy one week after he left Seoul. He was shocked and scared at first. But now he is very happy. Jungkook can't wait to meet his babygirl. Yes he is getting a girl.

"Kook, are you okay?" Bogum asks. Bogum is Jungkook's friend. Jungkook met Bogum during his first month living in Ulsan. Since then they become very good friends. And now they live together. And Bogum's boyfriend, Minjun, also lives there. The three of them are really close.

"Yeah, i'm fine." Jungkook says. He turns around. "Still thinking about Taehyung?" Bogum asks. Jungkook told Bogum everything. Of course Bogum was first a little bit angry, since he can understand how Taehyung felt that day. But they stopped talking about it. Since they don't wanna argue about it.

"Are you thinking about contacting Taehyung?" Bogum asks. Jungkook shakes his head. "I can't do that." Jungkook says. "Why not? It's obvious that you still love him." Bogum says. "And you are carrying his baby." Bogum says. "I know but this is for the best. For both of us." Jungkook says.

"That's what you think. But do you ever thought about how Taehyung thinks about this?" Bogum asks. Jungkook keeps quiet. "You didn't even really listened to what he said." Bogum says. "I did." Jungkook says. "But why did you still left? He loved you. He saved you from being stabbed. And still you left him." Bogum says. "Because i want the best for him. And that's not with me. With me he will always get trouble." Jungkook says.

"So what? If he wants to take that risk, that's good. At least he showed you what for good boyfriend he was." Bogum says. Jungkook sighs. "You really should have listened to him. About his true feelings. But no, you just listened to your own thoughts." Bogum says. "Why are you choosing his side? You don't even know him." Jungkook says.

"No. But i can imagine how it must feel for him. Because it's really painful Jungkook. But you don't even realize." Bogum says. "You only care about your feelings and not his." Bogum says. Jungkook keeps quiet. "And now you are carrying his child. And he doesn't know." Bogum says.

"Do you really want your baby to grow up without a father?" Bogum says. "You know what, let's stop talking about it." Jungkook says. "Yeah, just walk away from the conversation. Like the coward you are." Bogum says before leaving. Jungkook sighs deep. "I'm not a coward." He says before he decides to take a nap to calm down.

Do you guys think Bogum is right? Or are you guys standing on Jungkook's side? Because i think Bogum has a point. (Lol, i'm giving my opinion on my own fanfic 😜)

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