😇 13 😇

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Jimin is standing front of Taehyung's door. He presses on the doorbell. Soon the door gets opened by Taehyung. "Jimin, what are you doing here?" Taehyung asks. "Is Hayeon here?" Jimin asks. Taehyung nods. "Yes why?" Taehyung asks. "Let me talk to her. Now." Jimin says. Taehyung looks confused before he takes a step back. Jimin walks in. He takes off his shoes before walking into the living room.

Hayeon is sitting on the couch, watching tv. "Hayeon." Jimin says. That makes her look up. "Hey Jimin." She says while smiling. She gets up. Jimin raises an eyebrow at her. "Is there something wrong?" She asks. Taehyung also walks in into the living room. He goes standing next to Hayeon.

"Thanks to you, Jungkook almost committed suicide." Jimin says. Taehyung looks at Jimin while feeling shocked. He didn't expected this. "How do you mean, thanks to me?" She asks. "Don't act innocent. Because you know what you did." Jimin says. He looks angry at Hayeon. "I really don't know what your talking about." She says.

"Stop pretending if you don't know. You went to see him a few days ago to be very rude to him." Jimin says. "And because of that, he tried to kill himself." Jimin says. "Is Jungkook okay?" Taehyung asks. Jimin raises an eyebrow while looking at Taehyung. Hayeon glares at Taehyung but he ignores it. "How is he?" Taehyung asks.

"Why do you want to know? You don't remember him. So why do you wanna know?" Jimin asks. Taehyung sighs. "Because i love him." Taehyung says. Jimin looks at him, shocked. "Taehyung shut the fuck up." Hayeon says. "No. I'm done with this stupid act. Thanks to you i've almost lost the love of my life." Taehyung says. "Okay. What's going on? Because i really don't understand anymore." Jimin says.

"You don't have to know." Hayeon says. "She forced me to pretend to have amnesia. And she forced me to tell Jungkook that i'm in a relationship with her. And that i never wanna see Jungkook again." Taehyung says. "Taehyung." Hayeon says. "Shut the fuck up." Taehyung says. Jimin looks at Hayeon.

"How sick can you be to do something like this?" Jimin says. He looks angry at Hayeon.

Taehyung told Jimin the truth about what really is going on. Will this end well? Since Hayeon isn't easily giving up. Tell your thoughts about this chapter in the comments. Thank you!!

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