😇 8 😇

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Two weeks has passed. Jungkook didn't come out of his house anymore. He didn't even let Jimin, Yoongi or Hoseok come into the house. Jungkook is really heartbroken. He stopped eating and sometimes he only drinks a little bit water. Jimin is very worried about Jungkook.

The doorbell rings. Jungkook ignores it and keeps watching at the tv, which is turned off. But when the doorbell keeps ringing, Jungkook sighs deep. He gets up and walks into the hallway. He opens the door and is shocked when he sees Hayeon.

"Can i help you?" Jungkook asks. Hayeon smirks. "You look awful." She says. Jungkook shrugs. "What are you doing here? And how do you know where i live?" Jungkook asks. Hayeon chuckles. "I followed your friends." She says. Jungkook sighs.

"Why are you here?" Jungkook asks. "Just wanna tell you that Taehyung and i are engaged." She says. She shows her engagement ring. Jungkook stares blankly at it. He feels hurt but he tries to hide it for her. "You wanna cry, huh?" She asks. "Such a cry baby." She says while chuckling.

"You will never get Taehyung back, you know?" She says. "He is all mine now." Hayeon says. A tear rolls down on Jungkook's cheek. Hayeon smirks. "Maybe i will sent you a invitation." She says. "But i don't think Taehyung wants that, so i won't do it." She says. "But it would be amazing to see you crying while I'm marrying your lover." She says.

"Can you please leave now?" Jungkook asks. "Why? Are you that sad? Can't you be happy for me?" Hayeon asks. "Leave him alone." Jimin says. Jungkook is surprised that Jimin is suddenly here.

Jimin goes in front of Jungkook. "Why are you here?" Jimin asks. "I just told him about my engagement with Taehyung." Hayeon says. Jimin raises an eyebrow. "Are you looking for a fight or something?" Jimin asks. Hayeon chuckles. "No, why?" She asks. "Because obviously you can't leave Jungkook alone. You know how much he is hurting right now." Jimin says.

"Yes. And i love to see him like this. I love to hurt him more." Hayeon says. "If you don't leave right now, i'll punch you in your ugly face. Even though you are a girl. I don't fucking care. Just leave." Jimin says. He clenches his fists. Hayeon rolls her eyes. "Whatever. Anyway, you can't come to our wedding either." Hayeon says.

"I don't care. I don't even wanna go. Leave now." Jimin says. Hayeon chuckles before she leaves. Jimin turns around. "Kookie." Jimin says. Jungkook starts crying. Jimin hugs Jungkook. "It's okay, Kookie. You have me. I'm here for you." Jimin says. "I won't let that bitch come close to you ever again." Jimin says. After a while, they both get inside.

Jimin calls Yoongi to say that he will stay with Jungkook for a while. He also explains what Hayeon did. After that, Jimin takes care of Jungkook.

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