😇 15 😇

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Jungkook is looking at the window. He doesn't notice someone walking in. Taehyung, who has walked in, looks at Jungkook. He smiles. He missed him so much. Taehyung slowly approaches Jungkook. "Jungkook?" Taehyung says. Jungkook looks up. His eyes become wide. "Taehyung?" Jungkook whispers. Taehyung sits down on the chair next to Jungkook's bed.

Taehyung grabs Jungkook's hand. Jungkook stares at it. "W-what? H-how?" Jungkook asks. "I'm here now, baby." Taehyung says. Jungkook starts crying. Taehyung sighs before moving closer to the bed. "It's okay, baby. Please don't cry." Taehyung says. "But....you didn't recognize me anymore." Jungkook says between crying. "I do remember you, baby." Taehyung says. "I always did." Taehyung says. Jungkook looks at Taehyung in shock.

"So you never forgot about me?" Jungkook asks. Taehyung shakes his head. "But why?" Jungkook asks. "Baby, i'll explain everything to you later. You need to rest first." Taehyung says. Jungkook keeps quiet. "You can be mad at me if you want. But I'll promise that i will tell you everything. And you will understand me, hopefully, if i tell you why i pretended that i didn't recognize you anymore." Taehyung says. "Okay, if you say so." Jungkook says.

"Just rest first okay? We will talk later about it." Taehyung says. Jungkook nods slowly. Taehyung smiles and kisses Jungkook's hand. "I love you." Taehyung says. "I love you too, hyungie." Jungkook says. Taehyung smiles. He gets up and kisses Jungkook's forehead. "Now sleep. I'll be back tomorrow." Taehyung whispers. Jungkook nods.

Taehyung kisses Jungkook's forehead again. Jungkook smiles and then he closes his eyes. Taehyung smiles. It don't take long before Jungkook falls asleep. Taehyung smiles before leaving quietly the room.

"And? How did it go?" Jimin asks. "I'm gonna tell him later. He needs to rest first." Taehyung says. Jimin nods. "I understand. How did he react when he saw you?" Jimin asks. "He was shocked. And he cried." Taehyung says. Jimin nods. "I would also do that if i was him." Jimin says. Taehyung nods.

"But i'm gonna explain everything to Jungkook when he is home again." Taehyung says. Jimin nods. "Ofcourse. Maybe that's for the best." Jimin says. Taehyung nods. "Let's go home now." Taehyung says. Jimin nods and they both leave.

Hopefully the night goes well, so Jungkook can go home tomorrow.

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