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"So, are you gonna tell Taehyung?" Jimin asks. "What do you mean?" Jungkook asks. "Are you gonna tell Taehyung that you are carrying his baby?" Jimin asks. Jungkook sighs. "I don't know." Jungkook says while shrugging. "You know that he has the right to know." Jimin says. "I know. But he probably hates me. So why should he talk to me?" Jungkook says. Jimin sighs deep.

"He doesn't hate you." Jimin says. "Yes he does. And i can't blame him for it." Jungkook says. "Jungkook. He doesn't hate you. He is just hurt because you left him." Jimin says. "Let's stop talking about it." Jungkook says. "I don't wanna stress right now." Jungkook says. Jimin smiles. "That wouldn't be good for you and the baby. So you're right." Jimin says. Jungkook smiles.

"So, let's go to a cafe and let's eat something." Jungkook says. Jimin nods. They start walking. But then someone yells Jimin's name.

They both turn around. They see Yoongi and Hoseok approaching them. "What are you guys doing here?" Jimin asks. "We are here for you." Yoongi says. "You can't just dump us and then leave." Yoongi says. Hoseok nods. Jimin sighs deep.

"Leave me alone okay? I don't wanna talk with you guys." Jimin says. "Too bad. Because we wanna talk with you." Hoseok says. And then he looks at Jungkook. Just like Yoongi. Yoongi sighs deep. "I will leave you guys alone." Jungkook says. He wants to walk away but Yoongi grabs Jungkook's wrist. Jungkook turns around.

"I also wanna talk with you." Yoongi says. Jungkook sighs. "You don't have to if you don't want to." Jimin says. Yoongi looks at Jimin. "What's wrong Jimin? Why are you suddenly act so strange to us?" Yoongi asks. Jimin shrugs. "I don't know." Jimin says. Yoongi sighs deep.

"Please explain to us why you are acting so weird." Yoongi says. "I just missed Jungkook okay?" Jimin says. "You could have told us instead dumping us." Yoongi says. "But I didn't want to tell you guys because I thought you would forbid me to see Jungkook." Jimin says. "You know that we wouldn't do that." Hoseok says. Jimin sighs.

"I know. I'm sorry." Jimin says. Yoongi sighs. "Are you really done with us?" Yoongi asks. Jimin shakes his head. "Good. Because we aren't done with you either." Yoongi says. He pulls Jimin close and kisses him. Then Hoseok kisses Jimin. Jungkook smiles. He is glad that they are okay again.

Jungkook wants to walk away. "Jungkook wait." Yoongi says. Jungkook stops but doesn't turn around. "I'm sorry." Yoongi says. "For what?" Jungkook asks. "For punching you. And for being mean to you that day." Yoongi says. Jungkook keeps quiet. "Maybe i went too far." Yoongi says.

Jungkook turns around. "I deserved it hyung." Jungkook says. "No you didn't. Okay, maybe a little. But I shouldn't have punched you." Yoongi says. Jungkook sighs. "Let's be friends again, Jungkook." Yoongi says. Jungkook smiles. "Of course hyung." Jungkook says. Yoongi smiles and hugs him.

Then he looks at Jungkook's bump. "You are pregnant." He says. Jungkook looks at Yoongi and nods. "Is it Tae's?" Yoongi asks. Jungkook nods again. Yoongi nods slowly. "Okay." He says. "Congrats Kook. I'm happy for you." Yoongi says. Jungkook smiles. "Thank you, hyung." Jungkook says. And then Jungkook sees someone familiar.

"Tae." Jungkook whispers before he faints in Yoongi's arm. "Jungkook." Jimin says while looking shocked at the fainted boy in Yoongi's arm.

So they all are suddenly in Ulsan. Is it faith? Or did Bogum arranged something with them?

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