😇 22 😇

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Jungkook is sitting on a chair in the waiting room of the hospital. Taehyung is getting surgery since he has lost a lot of blood. Hayeon got finally arrested. So Jungkook is glad that he hasn't have to focus on her anymore. While sobbing, Jungkook is waiting. Then Jimin arrives with Yoongi and Hoseok.

Jungkook immediately gets up as he hugs Jimin. "Chim, i'm so scared. I really can't lose him." Jungkook says. "It's gonna be okay, Kook. He is very strong. Tae will make it. I'll promise you." Jimin says, hugging Jungkook tight. Hoseok and Yoongi are looking worried at Jungkook.

"I just got him back." Jungkook says when he lets go of Jimin. "What happened?" Jimin asks. "You stupid. You can't ask him that now." Hoseok says. "It's okay, Hobi hyung. I'll tell you guys what happened." Jungkook says. They sit down as Jungkook starts telling everything.

"So, she was following you guys, without you guys knowing?" Hoseok asks. "Yeah, apparently." Jungkook says. "And suddenly i felt Taehyung standing behind me." Jungkook says. "And when i turned around, i saw Hayeon stabbed Taehyung." Jungkook says. "But i guess her plan was to stab me from behind." Jungkook says. He looks sad.

"Tae saved you." Yoongi says. Jungkook nods. "Yes. And i feel so terrible guilty." Jungkook says. "What, why?" Yoongi asks. "Because of me he got stabbed. It's all my fault." Jungkook says. "I should never have met Tae. I should never have start dating him." Jungkook says. "You don't mean that." Jimin says. "I do mean it. Because i'm into his life, there are only trouble. And now because of me, Taehyung is fighting for his life." Jungkook says.

"Stop saying that, Kook. It's not your fault." Yoongi says. "You know that Tae would do everything to protect you." Yoongi says. "And now he did. He saved you by getting stabbed. He loves you very much." Yoongi says. "And he would do this for you for the rest of your life. He would always protect you. No matter what." Yoongi says.

Jungkook keeps quiet. "This is what he has done by himself. He always will save you from this things, even if it costs his own life. So it isn't your fault. It's Taehyung's love for you." Yoongi says. "And you love him. So don't say it's your fault." Yoongi says. "So maybe he shouldn't love me." Jungkook says. Yoongi raises an eyebrow.

"What?" Yoongi asks. "Maybe i should leave. Maybe Taehyung should forget me when he gets better. Maybe that's for the best." Jungkook says. "Stop saying this nonsense." Jimin says. "You don't need to leave. You stay here and wait for Taehyung." Jimin says. "But i'm only giving him trouble." Jungkook says. "Jungkook, don't you dare to leave. Do you hear me?" Yoongi says this time.

He glares at Jungkook. "If you would leave now, then you are a fucking idiot who doesn't deserve Taehyung's love." Yoongi says. "So if you leave, know that Taehyung will never forgive you. And i will make sure of that." Yoongi says.

Maybe he is a little bit harsh for Jungkook, but he needs to do it. Jungkook has to know that he can't leave. Because Taehyung needs Jungkook and Jungkook needs Taehyung.

What are your thoughts about this chapter? Sorry for mistakes or if i wrote something wrong. English is not my native language. So please bear with me. Thanks!

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