😇 10 😇

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Jimin is pressing on the doorbell for a few minutes now but Jungkook still doesn't open the door. "Jungkook, it's me, Jimin. Open up the door." Jimin yells. Jimin sighs deep when there is no reaction. Jimin grabs his phone out of his pocket and he tries to call Jungkook. He hears Jungkook's phone ring but Jungkook doesn't answer.

"Okay. What the hell?" Jimin mumbles. "I can hear his phone ringing but he doesn't answer. Maybe he forgot his phone." Jimin whispers. But suddenly he gets a bad feeling. So he decides to call the police. Maybe they can kick the door open for him. Since he has the feeling something happened.

After twenty minutes the police finally arrives. "Please open the door for me. I'm scared that something happened to him." Jimin says. The policeman nods and he kicks the door open. Jimin immediately runs inside. He yells Jungkook's name while looking in the living room and kitchen.

Then he runs upstairs. Jimin opens the door from Jungkook's bedroom and he runs in. He is shocked when he sees Jungkook lying on the floor in a pool of blood. He cutted himself. His eyes are closed. Jimin starts yelling and immediately the policeman is standing in the bedroom. "Shit. Call an ambulance." The policeman says. He kneels in front of Jungkook and checks his heartbeat. After that he checks Jungkook's pulse. Jimin calls an ambulance.

Jimin is sitting in the ambulance. Tears are rolling down over his cheeks while he looks at Jungkook. "Please Kookie. Don't leave me. I love you my best friend." Jimin whispers. "Don't worry sir. We will do everything we can to save him." The woman says. Jimin nods.

Not much later they arrive at the hospital. Jungkook gets brought in. Jimin follows them. Until Jungkook gets brought into a room. "Sorry, you have to wait here." A nurse says. Jimin nods. The nurse goes inside the room. Jimin sighs deep before calling Hoseok and Yoongi. He can't be alone right now. He needs his boyfriends for support. Otherwise he might get crazy.

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