Chapter 6

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Pov Kiyoko

"W-W-WOULD YOU MARRY ME!!" I was surprised at first. A random blonde guy just out of nowhere shouted that to my face. It took me a few seconds to process what was happening, but I was able to realise before the rest of the team got suspicious. "No." I said plainly. All the seniors either chuckled or snorted. The new members were all looking at me in surprise. I'm guessing they are just as the rest of the boys. They all get distracted so easily. Always thinking on the looks not in the personality. There are only two people who are saved from that degree. Those are nonetheless than Keiji and Sugawara. "Okay everyone let me present you to our team manager Shimizu Kiyoko. Shimizu-san these are the new members of the team Tanaka Ryunosuke, Ennoshita Chikara, Kinnoshita Hasashi, Narita Kazuhito and the short one over there Nishinoya Yu." "Hi nice to meet you all." I responded with the less emotions I can show, which are probably none.

"Common everyone please prepare yourselves." "Yes Captain." I moved towards the bench. Asahi was helping out the captain with the net and Daichi was discussing something with three of the new members. "This is the last lot." I turned around to see Sugawara with some water bottles. "Yep, thanks a lot." "You didn't do anything." "I know. The senpais told me to try and not do anything until this noobies start getting used to seeing me." "It's understandable. Nobody can survive when seeing a hot girl like you." "Shut up or you'll have broken rule nº 356 of the K's code red." "Ugh. Sorry. Although you are about to break rule nº 1." "Shut up. Also, who is the short guy?" "Best libero of junior high." "What?!" "Yep. His actually really polite only a bit loud. Seems like he is already getting along extremely well with the blonde one. Tanaka, right?" "Yep."

"Heey Suga." "Noya? What's up?" "In which position do you play?" "I'm a setter. Why do you ask?" "Cool. For nothing really just curiosity." "Curiosity huh." "Oh, hey I think I haven't presented myself." This time the one talking was the blonde guy next to Nishinoya. "I'm Tanaka Ryunosuke." "I'm Sugawara Koushi." The rest of the members came over. The captain and Asahi finally finished with the net.

"Okay before testing you all I wanted to make one thing clear. Shimizu could you write the responses down." "I was already doing it captain." "Thank you so much. Okay we already know Nishinoya is a libero." "Yes captain!" I wrote that down. "Is anyone a setter?" No one said anything. They all shook their heads. "Great. Is anyone here a middle blocker then." "I am." The hand of the only bold one out of the five went up. I think his name was Narita. I'm not sure. "Narita okay. Anyone here a wing spiker?" I wrote Narita's position down as the boy next to him spoke. "I am." This one was Kinoshita. Writing it down. Yay. I should make a song about this. Yeah, good idea. "I suppose the remaining two are outside hitters." "Yes captain." The other two first years responded. 🎶This is fun🎶.

"We'll do a three-on-three match. Lets see Tanaka and Kinoshita you'll go in the left side. Ennoshita and Narita go to the right side." "Wait a sec. what about meeeeeeee?" "Nishinoya you'll play with Tanaka and Kinoshita." "Wait that isn't fair. If his a libero then he'll not be able to attack." "Well and you have a great defence." Seems like the new guys like to fight. I don't like this at all. "Quit the fighting. We will do a four-on-four. Understood. Okay. Azumane join Ennoshita's team and I'll play in Tanaka's team." "Bu—" the captain shushed Narita up before he could start complaining. "To balance the defence Sawamura join Ennoshita's team." "Yes captain."

Great in one team we have three first years and the captain, and in the other team we have two first years and two second years. This will turn up badly.

The match wasn't bad nor was it good. The teams where badly done and they didn't know how to work together. Still, they were able to do quite an outstanding practice match. All of the noobs have very good potential. It does not matter if they are either leadership, strength, ability, technic or self-confidence. All of them have great potential. Even someone like I, can see it.

"Wow that was amazing." "OI YOU. THE SCAREDY CAT." Nishinoya called at Asahi. "Me?" "Yes. HOW ARE YOU ABLE TO SPIKE SO STRONGLY. I ACTUALLY STRUGGLE TO RECEIVE THEM." "Oh, that's because this guy is the strongest guy in Karasuno High." One of our seniors (Shinomiya-san) said. Everybody laughed. "Yes. For something he is the Ace." Asahi was terrified. He didn't know how to act. So, he just trembled there and stayed quiet, while the rest of the team showed him off. "That's amazing. I can't wait to train here." Something tells me this is going to be the start of a very big friendship.

Pov Sugawara

End of practice

"You also saw it. Didn't you?" "Yes, yes." "Then what is the plan?" "If we follow her, we will know." During the match Tanaka and Noya became very close. And by close, I mean they don't go anywhere without each other. They've only met each other for 4 hours. Also, what are they even planning on doing. "Okay let's go and find out what is happening here." "Good idea Ryu." "What are you two thinking of doing?" "Ahhhh." They both jumped backwards. "Oh, it's only you Suga." "What do you mean it's only me?" "You're not going to snitch on us. Right?" "Depends. I have my personal interests involving the two of you." Both of them were surprised. I don't know if they are scared, relieved or just have to go to the bathroom. "We just want to know were Shimizu lives." "Don't look at us like that. We are just interested." "Interested or in love?" "S-s-shut up." I laughed.

I can't make them see were Shimizu lives right now. Today is Wednesday. Wednesdays are a bad day. "You now. If you want to know more things about a girl, you first need to grow a relationship between the two of you. You also need to make into account she may be already dating someone or maybe that she doesn't like boys in a romantic way." I hope this works. "That is a great idea." They said in unison. "Noya let's find out things about her." "Yeah." "You guys didn't hear anything I said, did you?" They both falsely laughed. "Sorry." I sighed. "Common." "Wait where are we going?" "I'm inviting you to eat meat buns. Don't worry I'll pay." "Youre the best Suga-senpai." "Don't you dare exaggerate." "Gomen." I like this guys. They are fun.

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