Chapter 26

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Pov Kiyoko

Kou opened the door. Here we go. He stepped inside first, and I followed. Everyone was there. And by everyone, I mean the spy team and the two non-members, who were dragged inside. The voices disappeared instantly. It was as if the air was silently saying. "Here they come."

I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. My heart was thumping as if I was running again. And if I was trapped in that interminable second, were you jump that last obstacle and finish the race. I slightly panicked and looked towards Kou. He was totally shivering, which surprisingly made me more comfortable. Weird. Right?

"Hi Suga. How are you doing?" "Hello Daichi. I'm doing fine. How about you?" "Fine as well." There was an extremely uncomfortable silence, which seemed to last for a whole eternity. "Well. Ehem. I wanted to apologise for everything. I didn't want to believe anything of what that girl said. I guess that this time it was my stubbornness that killed our friendship. Huh." Kou smiled. Brightly but falsely. "You don't have to worry about anything Daichi." At that point Noya appeared.

"Suga, you need to say the truth sometimes. Even if you know it hurts. Sometimes you need everything to go out. And the only way to do that is by telling someone. Someone that doesn't know anything. Like all of us. Trust us please." "And you to Shimizu-san. The most beautiful person in this world. Suga-san we are going to have a chat about this later." Tanaka started crying. Seems like this really broke his heart.

"I don't want to be rude Suga and Shimizu but could you tell us everything, please." Asahi was the one to talk. With that I decided to stand up. I guess it's time. I took a deep breathe.

It's time to jump that obstacle.


"It all started when we were younger." Everyone looked at us. "I made my first friend in kindergarten. As any normal person. By then I was part of a spectacular family. My mum used to play with me every single day. she was incredibly beautiful. My father would take me to different place. So, we would walk in the wild. That is how my whole hobby of athletics started. When I entered primary school, I was the happiest person ever. Everyone in class was my friend. There were lines of people that wanted to be my partner in games. I was the most popular kid in school. Or so I thought. This somewhat popularity made me blind to what was behind. And in my eyes, there was only one person in the whole school, who wasn't my friend." I stopped for a second. My eyes moved from the floor to the volleyball players around me and landed upon him.

"This person over here. Sugawara Koushi a total mystery in the class. We both ended up in top 1 student in the class. Based upon grades, of course. At first, I told myself, that it didn't matter. But in some way a certain rivalry started. Since then, I started studying. I read every single day at least three hours. By the age of eight I was already reading world known novels. Like the one of Julio Verne and William Shakespeare."

"That is amazing, Shimizu-san." "And impossible." "Not when you have a person to beat and spend all of your time alone." "You realise that I was popular back then. Unlike you right." "Yep." "Oh my god." "Okay now I'm confused." "That is normal Ennoshita. Don't worry. Hey can't you just tell your part of your story." "Yeah, yeah. Misses." I sighed. He was a true pain in the butt sometimes. I continued with our story.

"My mum got sick when I was seven years old. She appeared to have lung and breast cancer. She was quickly hospitalised soon after we found out. I spent most of my afternoons going to visit her at the hospital. By then was when I met a girl called Fuji Kanna. She was a new student that also loved athletics. A few months after we met my mum died. Word of that spread throughout the whole school. And my popularity dead as quickly as it had been born. I entered a horrible depression. I didn't go out of my house in like a month. Then one day we had run out of instant ramen, and I ended up bumping into this one."

I pointed at Kou. "Okay, not gonna lie that is quite romantic." "Then sit back and enjoy because this isn't even half of our story." "Wait really. There is no happy ending like you were able to go out of your depression because of Suga." "No, no at all." "In reality. You could say it was in that moment when everything went wrong. At least for Kiyoko." "At least?" "Yes. My life started going downhill much, much before this ones." "What do you mean by that?" "Is it because of your parents?" "Yes, partly Let me tell you outside. This place will be saddened if we continue to talk."

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