Chapter 25

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Pov Kiyoko

I woke up the next morning sitting at the sofa. I looked around me. Koushi was asleep next to me. Seems like yesterday we fell asleep after watching Nausicaa of the valley of the wind. Best movie ever by the way.

"Shit." What was that? I looked towards the kitchen. No way. Was that "Kankan!!" I jumped out of the sofa and hugged my dear friend. "Kiyo!! How are you?" "I'm alright, I'm alright. You?" "Yes, me too, me too." We embraced each other for more than a minute and separated when we heard this. "Why the hell are you shouting? And why the hell did you kick my face?" "Sorry Kou. Didn't want to wake you up." "Yeah, thats what you say." "Hey pale cat." "Hey French dance." After some annoying conversations between each of us, we finally had breakfast. Koemi appeared out of nowhere running through the house.

"Why didn't anyone wake me up? I'm so late. I'm so late." "Late for what?" "Morning training, duh." "Wait a second." "No way." "Think fast." Kou threw a small lunch box with breakfast inside, which Koemi totally caught. "Thanks bro." "You eat it before it gets cold, understood." "Yeah, yeah. Byeeee!!" She run off.

"That girl never stops." "Wow, I see this happens a lot." "Yes, it does. Though I always try to talk her out of it." "Let me guess, Kanna, it never works." "You are right my dear friend." I couldn't help but laugh.

This morning was especially great. It had been a long time since we were together (even if it was only three of us). I got to tell all about school and go in great scale about it. And she was able to tell us all of her difficulties, or rather only a few. I still don't understand how she still has a roof to live in. we also ended up getting carried away with Kou's stories about the team's stupidity in the male room. I have to say that I need a camera in there. It surely would get a lot of gossip through.

Then is when I realised it, what time it was. "Holy crap." "What is wrong?" "It's half past ten." "Wait what?!" "Why is that even a problem?" "Holy shit. We are dumb!" "Quick. We've got 15 minutes." "15 minutes for what?" "For dressing up and meet up with everyone about the thing we told you about." "Fuck!" "I know."

I don't know how we did it, but we were able to get ready after 20 minutes. Yes 20 minutes. Now we had to speed run to school. It is at this moments when I wish that I should've sticked with my old routine of running every single day for one hour in the mornings and one hour in the afternoons. "Why did I ever stop running?" "See, that is what I told you." "Shut up Kanna this isn't your problem." "Yes, it is. I do not want to meet your friends." "Well, I don't want to meet your girlfriend either." "Huh." We both got angry at each other. "So, this is how you feel when I fight with Koemi." "No. You and Koemi fight every day at least five times." "Okay, okay. Lets go." "Yeah."


"Finally, we are here." Koushi panted. "Yeah." We stopped to catch our breathes. We had flown all the way there. Just like my nickname says. The only times we run this fast is when we are being pursued by Nakamura and the rest or when the police wants to arrest us. Anyways we caught our breathes pretty quickly. The gym was a few meters away. And the school was completely deserted. Everyone was gone. As it had to be. Who would want to spend Christmas at school? They are all probably preparing for Christmas eve with their families.

"They'll be waiting inside the gym." "I know." I went over to my dear boyfriend and grabbed his hand. "Lets go." He smiled. Not the kind of smile he uses with the rest of the team. But a real smile. Just like the one he has whenever Koemi, or Masaki are around. "Yep."

As we walked towards the gym. Voices could be heard. Everyone was inside.

I guess it's time.

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