Chapter 24

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Pov Kiyoko

"Sooooo want to kidnap someone?" "Oh, for sure." Ika punched the demonic duo. "Not even in hell are you two going to kidnap someone." "Sorry Ika." I started laughing at their stupidity. "Hey, you don't need to be so rude Kiyo." "Yeah, yeah Waspy." "Do not call me Waspy, Keiji." "Sorry, Jeez." "Anyways, When are you and Hase marrying?" "Never. What are you even talking about Koemi?" "She's kidding me. Right? Right?" "I don't think so." "Oh wow." "I'll kill you if you speak another word about this subject." Ika walked off.

"She's in love." "Yeah, totally in love." "Super in love." "Ultra in love." "Extremely in love." "Will you two just quit it." "No." "Universally in love."

We were all just waiting for Kankan to show up. Though she surely was to arrive after noon. It was around 10pm that same afternoon when Kou's phone started ringing. He looked at it for a moment. An expression of doubt started to fill his face. "Its them. Isn't it." "Yes. What should I do?" "I vote... for him to get the phone." "I'm with Keiji." "Okay then. Koemi. Opinion?" "Just get the goddamn phone, brother." Without even thinking it twice he got the phone.

Pov Nishinoya

A few moments before.

"I'm going to call him." "Say WHAT!?" "Noya do you actually think that is a good idea." "Can't you, you know. Think about it for a second." "No way. My grandpa always tells me to do things on the spot, because if you wait then you'll get nothing done. And in the end that person will leave your life as if nothing happened." "I cannot argue at that logic." "Me neither."

I started looking for Suga's phone number in my contacts. It was then when I Nishinoya Yuu realised he didn't know what to do or say. For a moment I just panicked. Until I breathed and decided to instead of apologising via a phone I would just try to meet up in real life. That is always the best thing to do. Right?

"Hello." A low voice answered the call. I felt butterflies in my stomach. Not those you feel when your in love but those you feel when you're nervous about something. "Hey Suga. I thought you wouldn't answer." He slightly laughed. "I may get mad about some things but I'm not the kind of person who just ignores everyone when they are angry." He was miles away but still I could feel his warm smile from the other side of the telephone. "Well, me and the rest of the team wanted to talk to you." "Seriously." "Yes. If you don't believe me, you can just hear them." "Hi Suga." "What Noya said." "I don't know what to say." "How could you and Shimizu-san betray me like that. Waaaaaah." "Ups. Sorry about Tanaka." "If he is crying in the floor right now. I guess Daichi and Asahi decided to talk didn't they." "You analysed the situation pretty good." "Oh, wow thank you." "Wait. Who was that?"

I started hearing other voices in the other side of the phone. More like arguing. Sometimes a certain Shut up, or give me back the phone, could be heard. "Sorry 'bout that." "No worries." "I just wanted to talk to you and Shimizu-san in real life." "Oh really. And when is that?" "How about tomorrow, ehm, morning at eleven. In front of the gym." "He says yeeees." "Shut up you shrimp." "Oh shut up you, Mr Snowflake." "Is everything okay?" "Oh yes. I'll go" "Wait really." "Yep. Talk to you tomorrow." He hanged up the phone.

I looked up to everyone in the team. "Welp, seems like we have an apology to write. Come on everyone." Daichi directed us to go back home, which we did.

Write an apology? What should I say? I don't know.

Pov Kiyoko

"Wow. That was quick." Keiji said astonished. He looked at all of us. "It could've been quicker if a certain someone would have stopped bothering." "Sorry. I just wanted some payback." "If you want payback go and through eggs at their houses or something." "Sure." Koemi started to walk over to the door of the hospital room we had been sitting in. "Wait." "What?" "Tomorrow you will apologise, and they will do the same. Promise." "Okay." Koemi looked downwards. It is at these moments when I realise how neither of us have ever learned how to grow up. I wish some day we all understand how to grow up.


Ika appeared short after to tell us that we had to go. Because of a special treatment they had to give to Keiji. Koemi being the ratted bitch she is decided to explore a bit Miyagi leaving me and Kou alone.

"How long do you think she'll take to come back?" "An hour or two." "She sure is another thing." "I bet 1000 yen she is looking for a place to practice." "Sure. I bet she is waiting for Kanna at the mall." Deal made.

Kou's house isn't so far away from the hospital so we went walking. Also, neither of us wanted to pay for the bus. Or even could. I guess that we are just weird people. During the 20-minute walk. We played around with each other, laughed, told jokes, and laughed again. At the end, when I got tired, I put my head over his shoulder resting myself while walking. As I felt his cold hand slip through mine.

It has been a while since we have actually had some time for each other. Even if it was just for half an hour.

You can't accomplish anything alone. That is what my mother used to say

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