Chapter 20

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Pov Daichi

"Hey everyone how are you guys doing?" "Great Captain. Why are we having a meeting?" "Well, as you know we third years will be living the team soon." Ah yes. After Christmas, the third years prefer to leave the team to study for their final exams. Seems like today is the day huh.

"Well. Except for the captain over here. We are all having a lot of difficulties with our tests and everything to do with our studies." "That is why we decided to leave the team." "This was such an incredible journey. I will not ever forget everything we all have passed together." "We will still be seeing each other every once in a while, but not that often." "That is why we wanted to tell everyone our goodbyes. It's been some good three years. We will never forget you." "Good luck with everything." "Bring Karasuno back to the top. We are counting on you."

Practically everyone burst into tears. As much I will regret it the future, I was crying too. I guess that saying our goodbyes to people we have been spending so much time with is depressing. I hate saying this, but Suga was right this morning.

"Come on everyone don't cry." "Y-y-yeah I'm not crying. Right Shinomiya." "Yes F-f-Fuju." "You two are already crying!!" Our senpais are one crazy lot al right. Not as much as our kohais but still.

"Daichi, I guess you already thought of this but, I name you the next captain of Karasuno." Wait really, I didn't expect that. "O-o-okay." "Don't tell me you didn't expect that. Wait really we literally knew this from Day 1!" "Yeah, but you two joke around way to often." "We werent joking about that." "You two are crazy." "Look who is talking."

Everyone around us stopped crying in that same moment. For some reason they were hearing every single word of our conversation. And as the conversation developed more the others smiled more. It was a hilarious scene. Asahi was tiering up while he was trying to put some sense into my theorizing. Suga had been crying a moment before and now was about to jump at my head like the tsundere personality he possess. And of course, it was my most embarrassing moment here in Karasuno. Everyone just laughed, and laughed and laughed. That sad day lightened up for a couple of minutes.

"Asahi, Suga don't you two remember the presents?" "Oh that's right. I almost forgot." Suga said while punching his fist. "W-w-well. I had a few problems. A-a-and it isn't that good." "Don't worry Asahi I'm sure it'll be okay." "Thankyou Noya." Asahi's and Noya's friendship has been getting really strong for the past few months. I'm actually surprised. Seems like the rough and gentle friendship really works. Wait that sounded awful. Please forget I said that. Wait a second. WITH WHO THE HELL AM I TALKING TO?

"Say. Daichi you are captain you go first." "Really. Okay. Ennoshita here you have." I gave Ennoshita a new water bottle for practice. Recently he has been complaining on how his mother couldn't buy him a bottle for volleyball. So here we are now.

"Oh, wow. This is amazing. Thanks, Daichi. Narita here goes yours." "Seriously thanks." It was a poster of this seemingly popular series called Fairy Tail. Seems like Narita is an enormous fan of this series. "Noya." "Wait, it's my turn. Yay." And of course, a new T-shirt with those strange messages in the back. What does this one say? "Oh my God. It says 'Veteran of 100 battles', so cool. Thankyou so much Narita. I love you." "Don't say that man." "Sorry. Tanaka catch." "OW. What was that for?" "Sorry." "Nice one Noya." "Suga. Seriously." "Yes."

Kinnoshita got a new perfume, which is weird by Noya's part. "Noyaaaa. I'm going to cry this is so sweet." Wait what? "That is a secret between men." "I got Daichi." My present was a snowball with a cute little figurine of a volleyball player and a poster. "Wow. Thankyou. But next time, please don't throw me a snowball." "Ups. Forgot about that one."

Because the circle broke. Tanaka the last first year started the pole. "Suga-san, I got yours." "Oh my. Let me see." Tanaka bought Suga a special fitness programme and a book, which specialized in what not to do in life. "Oh my. Tanaka are you sure you bought the right things?" "Yeah, I am completely sure. Like it?... Suga-san?" "Oh sorry. I was going through this thing. It's so cool I love it. But what's up with the book?" He seriously liked it! I'm amazed by Suga as every day goes by. "That is from my sister. Don't know why, though." "Okay. Well then Asahi think fast!" "Aaah." "Sorry." Asahi got a manly hairstyle book and really cute school cardigan. I sincerely don't know what is wrong with his head. "This is so cool. Thanks, Suga. Here you go Tanaka."

"Finally. I thought it would never be my turn." Tanaka got a bold cap because, yes. And a guide to do scary faces, which will end up getting me really mad in the future. "Wait there is one more No way. Guys look." "What is it?" A poster of girls in bikini. Of course, Asahi bought him that as last resource. Of course.

This was a fun thing to do. Just a normal thing in a normal time right.

Okay it was a break before the second final goodbye of the third years where they gave us the new T-shirts. That left a mark. Last year was exactly the same thing. I wonder what will happen next year. When it'll be our turn to leave this volleyball team. I promise to bring Karasuno to nationals again. That is a promise.

"Again, muttering to yourself Daichi." "Suga!" "You scared me there." "Why you think I did that for then?" "You are Satan himself." "Was that supposed to be an insult." "You will drive me crazy some time now."

"Hey guys." "Asahi. What a surprise." "Did something happen? Did you two make out?" "What the hell Asahi." "I have a freaking girlfriend dude." "I know sorry. Noya got into my head. I was just practicing some lines." "Lines?" "For what? Are you acting something?" "You?" "No, no. are you crazy? Noya just got me involve in a plot to find out if Narita and Kinnoshita are gay."

"Wait seriously. I thought they were hetero." "Yeah, me too." "Ahem. They are gay. If not bisexual." "What makes you think that?" "Yeah, Suga what makes you think that." "Oh, hey Noya, Tanaka." "Hey." "Well. If I tell you, you will not believe me. So here is the evidence." "What evidence?" "You got evidence?!" "Have Instagram?" "Yep." "Then open it and find an account called XXXXX." "Okay found it What the hell." "What is wrong?... Aaaah." "They are dating?" "How did you find out?" "I got my ways. Welp see you guys later."

"Wait where are you going Suga?" "I'm going to meet up with someone. Have a nice Christmas!!" "Wait, who is this mysterious person." "As if I told you." And he walked off. This will turn out really wrong. Right.

"Let's go and follow him." "What?! No." "Oh come on." "A no is no."


"Hey Daichi." "What is it Asahi?" "How did we end up here?" "I don't know Asahi. I don't know."

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