Chapter 15

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Pov Sugawara

Its been three months since that incidence. I have been taking care of an emotionally damaged creature, who refuses to go anywhere but to my house, since. So, I'm just allowing it because if not I'll have to deal with the consequences of this mortal enemy (because she can become a demon if she wants to).

Today the Karasuno volleyball camp will begin. Last year we barely even had time or space to do this. Also, our new captain has a higher influence in the school and has been able to persuade the principle, so this camp was able to take place. He also made sure that the principle ordered a teacher to become our 'instructor' or supervisor to be more accurate. Because this man doesn't have any idea on volleyball. Great.

His the Japanese literature teacher Ittetsu Takeda. His actually very kind. It just makes me angry when he doesn't have any idea of volleyball and only exists to see if we don't get hit by a car.

"Sugaaa. How did you say the rice is made?" "Huh. What are you two doing now?" "We were trying to help out Takeda sensei with dinner while he was off." "But it didn't actually work out." "Why do you ask me then?" "Oh, nothing." "Asahi just said you knew how to cook." "Oh really. Asahi why did you say that?" I looked over at Asahi a smile across my face but my eyes sparkling in anger. He soon backed off. "I-i-i only told them a-a-about that ramen I ate a-a-at your house n-n-nothing more." Great. Now he tries to lie. Or not?

"Oh, common Suga just help us." "Yeah, the kitchen is on fire." "Say what now." "Daichi you are here as well. I didn't expect that." "Noya and Tanaka. What did you do now?" "Nothing, nothing we promise." How come their brains become one when they are scared. Huh. I never thought of that. "Suga please help." "Why the hell do you ask me?" Do they have the same amount of brain cells? "Okay then we will have to go serious style." "What does that supposed to mean?" "ARE YOU TWO IGNORING ME??!!" Oh my, Daichi is mad. I guess we will have some roast humans for supper. "SUGA GO AND HELP THEM!" I sighed the biggest sigh they heard until then. "Sure." "You can be some nasty human being you know that." "And you are going to be cooked if you keep talking like that." I smiled again. I'm guessing because of that threat Ennoshita decided to come around and help.

Also, by the looks of it Tanaka and Noya did actually start a fire and burned half of our food. Also, Kiyoko was there with her 'they left me alone and now you are coming' expression. She wants to kill me.

Anyways today is an interesting night. The third years told us about doing the bravery tests to the noobies. Yes, it won't end well. Although last year I broke a door out of pure anger and decided to not put my head over there for two weeks. I don't want to talk about that. We will be telling ghost stories though. I hope. If not I'll vomit. End of story.

"Oi Daichi. How come you eat so much?" "Why do you say that Narita? This is normal you know." "Normal? Normal for a monster." "Hey I'm not a monster. Youre the one that barely eats." "I eat a lot for a human being." "Ehm no you don't Narita." "Don't get into this Tanaka." "Narita don't waste your time they are more stubborn than a mule." "A what now?" "You seriously need to get better with your expressions Sugawara." Fuck Ika this is her disease not mine. "Yeah, I'm working on it captain. I meant they are as stubborn as a rock. In other words, there is nothing that can change their minds." "Heeeeeey." "What? It's the truth. Don't deny the truth." "I'm not denying the truth." "Okay then sit down and be quiet." "Sure."

The third years were giggling behind us. As a sign of respect, I try not to get angry at them. But it seriously gets harder not to do so. Daichi sat down at the second and so did Tanaka. Narita started nodding and blabbered a couple of non-understandable words. If we are talking about the rest they were eating like a bunch of pigs.

After dinner we all decided to take some baths and then do some team bonding stuff, which I am no looking forward to for many reasons I cannot tell. Shimizu was also in this team bonding adventure. As she is also part of the team even if she doesn't play. This team bonding stuff consisted of two main things. First of all, we tell each other different stories (it doesn't has to be a scary story it can be something that happens to you). The second thing is to scare the shit out of the first years and then close them in a small, dark room and see if they are able to pass the bravery test.

I can't wait for it to happen.

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