Chapter 22

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Pov Koemi

What a day. What a day. Seriously God, I extremely missed these type of days. Hope you do them again. At first, I escaped from school at eleven o'clock, because my parents forgot about me. I rushed to my house. My mother was still asleep. She really needs to rest. For the last few days, she has been working extremely hard, sleeping only three hours per day. My father was off working. I wrote a letter to my mother telling her to not worry about me, then I kissed her forehead. She smiled.

The trip towards Miyagi was much shorter, as expected. Kanna was to be arriving sometime later. Her girlfriend would drive her here so that they didn't spend so much money. I love their couple.

I phoned Kou after I locked my suitcase in a locker at the station. Then using some of Kei's hacks I located his location. A group of boys where spying on him, so I decided to join them. One of them is a bit scary and too hard-headed. So here I am now. Being sort of pursuit by one of my 'brother's' teammates. So, what better to do but run towards him.

"Hey, how you doing?" "Mmh. What are you doing here, airhead?" "I came here to spend Christmas together. Don't you remember girly." "Yeah, I meant: What are you doing here when you have just arrived?" "I called you after I was already outside the station." "Great." "Also, there is a problem." "Which problem?" "That one." I pointed towards the giant figure that was chasing me. "Why the hell is Daichi pursuing you?" "I went to annoy them and now he is angry." "He thinks you are a seven-year-old." "No of course not." "He actually thinks you are a 7-year-old." He started giggling. "Stop laughing and help me." He sighed. "Sure. You piece of shit." "You are the piece of shit."

Pov Sugawara

Now I'm in the middle of the chaos. Again.

Daichi came storming this way. "Suga. That child is alone and is laughing at us. Help me find her parents." I glared at Koe. "What, I didn't know they would be insulted."

"Daichi just calm down, okay." "No way. I will not dare be insulted. Especially now that I am team captain." "Don't you think that you may have taken it a bit too hard." "Not you too Suga. I WILL NOT BARE BE INSULTED!!" With this he tried to catch Koemi. Koe scared as fuck jumped on top of me. As always. She was hanging like a monkey. Normally I would have been angry at her. I have never liked her doing such things. But this time she was scared. Shivering as always. And if there is something I hate the most is not being able to protect my friends when they are scared.

"DAICHI STOP IT!!!" Daichi was perplexed, he didn't understand what happened. He didn't expect my way of dealing with it either. The rest of the spy team, which was going after Daichi, stop in their trucks. Confused. "Suga I—." "Don't worry Daichi. I understand that you were concerned for this teenager for her appearance, but there is nothing to worry about. You have scared her enough. Now you can take a breather and leave her alone. What do you think about that?..." I looked over towards Koemi. "Why don't you go for now and I'll catch up with you later?" I smiled. I felt Koemi's arms relax. She was doing better. "Sure." She slowly jumped of me and balanced on top of the metal bar. She then jumped from it and run down the hill side.

"Suga, you can't let her go. This girl is an obvious liar." "I have to agree with Daichi on this one." "Tanaka" "Yeah and me too." "I see Ennoshita too, huh. Well then if she really was a liar and is a 7-year-old child then how come you can explain"

I stopped for a moment. Daichi and Asahi already know part of my past. But even though they do know many things, neither I nor Kiyoko have ever mentioned our friends. Apart from the time we told them that we were the murders of level 80. I looked for a moment towards Asahi and Noya. Asahi was obviously with Daichi on this one. Though he didn't agree with the way Daichi was dealing with this. Noya is a little bit harder to read. He most certainly didn't agree with me, but neither did he agree with the others.

It was then when I realised what I had to do. My face expression changed to my psychopathic look. "How could you explain the fact that we went together to primary and secondary. And the fact that it was her, who showed me what volleyball was." They all looked towards me in surprise. They were left without words. Just stunned. With their eyes wide open.

"Well then. I guess I'll see all of you later. Bye." I walked towards the pathway going to the foot of the hill, and disappeared from sight.

Pov Nishinoya

I never expected that. Suga has been my friend since day one. I guess I saw something inside him before anyone else saw it. That is why for the last six months I've been learning his ways. By this I mean I have tried to figure out how he is able to have everyone under control without using any type of fierce language or gestures.

To say the truth, I have tried to change to that type of language. Though it hasn't worked. I guess I'll always be a loud brat as always, but that is because if I don't shout no one will hear me.

In this moment when I heard Suga shout at Daichi something went through me. Like a feeling of disgust, or anger. Maybe it was just frustration. As if the person that I had for so long admired had thrown rocks towards my head. As the conversation developed and everyone chose Daichi's side I felt another shiver. Who was I supposed to pick? Daichi was kind of right. The girl was absolutely a child, but Suga was acting as he knew her. Not only that but the girl had jumped on top of his back and was hanging from him like a monkey.

However, I wasn't able to say anything because Suga did a defensive stance. He glared at us. And for the first time since I met him I was scared.

When he stormed off going towards the place where the girl had run away it was when I started thinking. "Hey guys. I think we all exaggerated." I broke the silence. "Yeah, you are right Noya." "But what was he talking about? Do you two know?" "No idea. Suga has barely told us about himself." "When you actually think about it, we might know as much as you do."

Daichi and Asahi are the less shocked in the radical change of mood. But the most shocked in his way of handling things. "Tanaka, Noya and Ennoshita, I think its time you knew something." "Wait Daichi we can't tell them without Suga's concern." "Yes, we can."


Pov Sugawara

What the hell have I done. Does anyone know what regrets are? Because I think this is the first time, I feel that. Why doesn't anyone explain you this? Seriously. Isn't that what psychology is for.

Now they are going to hate me for life.

"Koushiiiiiiiiii. I'm so sorry. Thank you so much." A human figure appeared out of nowhere and jumped on top of my face. I nearly fell backwards. "Koemi. Please stop jumping on top of me." "I am so sorry!!" I felt warm tears fall onto my face. I opened my eyes to see my besto friendo crying on top of my face. I smiled at her and patted her head. "There is nothing to worry about. I'm sure they will forgive me. These guys are not like Nakamura-san and the others." "You sure about that." "Most certainly."

Nakamura-san was the main bully at our school. He totally despised us and hated us. Even today both of us are still afraid of him and his group of friends.

"Come on Koemi let me help you with your luggage." "Thanks bro." "No worries, Sis."

I wonder if I'll be able to apologise any time soon.

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