Chapter 21

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Pov Daichi

I guess that Suga committed a major mistake when going home to quickly just before the winter holidays. For us Christmas holidays start around the 21st of December and end the 8th of January. Of course, during those weeks everyone spends their time with their families. This is either in your home or going to a giant family reunion in another place. In my case my family reunites at my aunt's house for Christmas. Meanwhile, Asahi stays here in Miyagi with his parents and brother. Sometimes his cousins come by. But that is unusual.

Of what we know of Suga, he probably spends Christmas alone. Probably this year he will spend it with Shimizu-san, which means that this mysterious person everyone wants to know of is most certainly Shimizu-san. So, what is going to happen now?

"Where is he going?" "Maybe to his house." "No, his house is towards that direction." "How do you know that Tanaka?" "We went home together once because of both of our houses being in the same direction." "What a coincidence, but then where is he going?" "Wait guys. That is the direction to the train station via the hill side." "Oh my, you are right Ennoshita." "Ennoshita!!" "What the hell are you doing here?" "Sorry I couldn't help it but follow all of you. At the end I'm also curious."

Shit at this rate everyone will discover their secret. And worst of all it'll be our fault.


Could that be Suga's phone.

Pov Sugawara

I realised my mistake the moment I said those words and left. This mysterious person I was talking about wasn't my marvellous girlfriend by my chaotic 'sister.' Of course, years living alone and being alone made me acquire a multitude of skills. These are good hearing, creativity, an increased amount of fake scenarios, record in book reading and a sixth sense. The ability to sense anyone close to me. That is why I recognised almost immediately, the people walking behind me. I'm trying to walk anywhere just to make them bored. But it still hasn't worked. And to get things worse my phoned has started ringing. Fuck.

"Hello." I said while answering the phone, though I already knew who it was. "Dude, dude, dude. I'm already there. - Wait a god damn second. Did you just hello me?" "Yes, I did." "Is there a problem." "No, not at all. Is there something else." "Okay now you are acting cold as fuck." "Well, sorry about that." "Okay, what is wrong with you. Were you replaced by a robot?" "Don't say such stupid things and go to the point." "Wow, sorry mister coldly wind. I wanted to say that the train has come early, and we already arrived." "SAY WHAT NOW!! I mean, I didn't expect that." "I literally told you the second you answered the phone. -- Oooooooh, I get it now. You are being followed. Okay, okay see you later then. Bye." "Bye."

When I hanged the phone, I had already arrived to the top of the hill. I would say its name, but I don't even remember it. Seems like the rush was in vain. I'll just look to the horizon for some time.

Pov Tanaka

Recently I have seen a change in Suga-san. Not in the bad way, but more in the good way. The day we went together to our houses, Suga-san was much more serious he still smiled as bright as the sun, but in some way or another seemed scarier. Now he looks much more calmed.

Though I'm still curious about him. It is that curiosity that has lead me to follow him today. Noya pretty much feels the same. Some days ago, Saeko came back home saying she had met that 'grey haired kid' I came home with that one time. Two days later she made me buy him a book about 'what not to do in life.' That was what ended with my patience.

His conversation with this mysterious person wasn't that good either. He seemed pretty normal but ended up breaking in his last line. Now he is looking at the sunset, so deeply that it has ended up becoming beautiful. I would have ever guessed that such a greyish hair could shine that way.

"So, what are we looking at?" What was that? "Aaah." "Asahi don't shou—What the hell." Everyone was surprised. A girl, probably a kid, was standing below us. She was quite little. Much smaller than Noya. "Who are you?" "And where are your parents?" "Oh, sorry for disturbing, I was just curious. Nothing more. My parents are somewhere, and my name is Koemi. Himura Koemi."

Pov Noya

A sudden feeling covered my skin. I shivered for a second. It probably was nothing. "So, what are we looking at?" A girl? So, she was the one who made the feeling. Could she be a witch? Wait no way. She is a child. Those were probably my reflexes.

"So, Himura, how old are you?" Ennoshita asked. He was the less frightened of the group. I mean he only jumped like three steps backwards. "Do your parents even let you be alone at night?" "This can be very dangerous for a kid like you." Me and Daichi added.

"Huh, child?" "Sorry, but I do not comprehend the words you just used. I am not a child." "Yeah, stop kidding. We already know that children often call themselves adults to seem tough. Now tell us your actual age." "Oh, my actual age, really," the girl said in a sarcastic tone, "I'm 17 years old. Pretty sure that I am older than anyone of you."

"Yeah, stop kidding. Or I'll get angry." This girl is insane. Messing with Daichi like that only means death. Everybody knows that.

"I am not kidding. My real age is seventeen-year-old, Sawamura Daichi." "How do you know Daichi's whole name?" "I don't know, Noya." "Okay that is it. Come here young child I'll burry you in hell."

The girl screamed. And run backwards.

"Gosh, she is fast." "For sure." "Daichi just leave her alone. She'll be alright." Asahi said while trying to hold Daichi back. But he broke free. "No way. That girl is lying. Her parents must be worried sick." With that Daichi went after the girl, who had runned towards the end of the hill and was talking to... SUGA!

I have an incredibly bad feeling of this.


Hello, everyone. I know I haven't updated for a while. And I'm sorry about that.

Recently I have been in an incredibly long author's block. Plus, I'm having a busy school year. I'll probably will not be updating regularly for the next few weeks. So, I am really sorry about that.

Please forgive me.

Also please feel free to comment anything you want.

Or vote. 😊

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