Chapter 23

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Pov Kiyoko

Kou appeared with Koemi no so long ago. They both seemed a little down, so I obviously asked what was wrong. Seems like Koemi's problem with age got her again in trouble. This time with our friends. At this rate I am not even surprised. I should have never let Kou handle Koemi. Those two are too rampageous whenever they are together.

Anyways I just hope this doesn't affect us in the future. As for the clear discussion Kou had with the rest of the team, I just wish this doesn't go any further. Especially if this ends up with Daichi and Asahi telling everyone about our secret. No, that I care that they know that I have a boyfriend, who's name is Koushi Sugawara. What I am worried about is the changes that come afterwards. Those changes that can affect our live both emotionally and physically in the worse way possible. How do I know this? Because it isn't the first time that has happened.

Never trust anyone. That is what I have learned here.

Pov Daichi

I have thought about this a lot. Actually, for the last few months. A few weeks ago, I told this to Suga. He absolutely didn't like the idea, though he still solved everything out with that bright smile he always has. When this happened. And I saw first-hand Suga's actual mood, I decided what I had to do. Asahi was with me. Though a bit reluctant. I guess I'll just have to say the whole thing all by myself.

"It's time for what, Daichi?" "Yeah, what are you talking about?" "Is it about Suga?" "Yes. It is about Suga. And it is something he has never told you guys and has barely told us about." "Seriously. Do you think this is a good idea?" "Yes Tanaka." "Wow. No reason to get angry man." "Of what Suga has told us he comes from a wealthy family. An extremely wealthy Japanese family. They are directly linked to our government and his parents represent us, as Japanese in many different countries all around the world." "You are kidding right." "You are telling us that Suga is part of that Sugawara family. The one that is one of the richest of Japan." "Yes, Ennoshita." "Wait you knew too Asahi." "Oh my God."

"But don't you think that is something good. Suga told us that as he was the first-born son his parents thought he would be something great. And they were extremely disappointed. It seems like Suga is albino, which means the genes past on by his parents broke. Making him be pale and have white hair. This is something that his parents saw as a disgrace to the family. And that is why when Suga was 8 years old they left him here in Miyagi. Alone. Supposedly at first, they would visit every three months. Then they started visiting every six months. Now Suga hasn't seen his parents since he was in middle school."

"That is horrible." "How can some parents do that." "We don't know." "Another thing that we know is Shimizu's home life. And a little bit of her mental state." "Wait." "You know things about Shimizu-san!!" "Yes. That is also because of Suga. Their lives are completely linked in that way." "What do you mean?" "Let's see Ennoshita. Suga and Shimizu know each other since they were in primary school. Seems like they began to hang out together and slowly become Friends, after Shimizu's mother died It seems that after that Shimizu entered a huge depression. Influenced by her mother's loss and her father's change of attitude. Since then, her father started to drink. He never had a stabilise job and would spend all of their family's money on drinking. Because of being drunk he would often go into rampages terrorising or even hurting Shimizu in the process. Because of her fear of going home she started spending more times with Suga and the rest of her friends. Some months ago, her father was arrested after he and his friends nearly raped her."

"WHAT!!" "Yes. Their lives aren't really good." "That is why they fake their personalities. Because they are scared to our changes about them." "Asahi is right on this one."

"And what about, what just happened?" "We don't know any more, apart from this: Suga and Shimizu are part of the legendary group. With three of their closest friends. I think we have just met the third one. And they have been dating for the last year and a half."


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