Chapter 9

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Pov Sugawara

It has been a tiring week. There was nothing to do and you ended up trying to kill the teachers or plotting a whole massacre in the school. Just imagine a nuclear bomb destroying the school and then not having to come for at least 2 months. That would be amazing.

Anyways the only fun thing around here is volleyball. Its just fun to play. And also, everyone around here is nuts. Like seriously you can't get bored. At the same time, I think Shimizu is having a rough time around here. Thats why I decided to force her to come to the team bonding. Of course, now she wants to kill me.

"Oh great." "What's wrong?" "Sakonishita just closed." "Really, no fair." "Hey Noya, Tanaka." "Whats up Sugawara-san?" "Could you enter the shop? I mean the cashier is there if you enter quickly and plead him for something I'm sure you'll get it." "Nice Suga." With that they entered the shop. And after three minutes and a bit of arguing, they both asked everyone to come in and get what they wanted. In this week I've learned that those two can be really annoying if they want to. They are able even to trigger Shimizu, who is a legend in keeping calm with people she barely knows. "You two." Oh no Daichi is mad. "Y-y-yes Daichi." Tanaka and Noya went backwards a couple of steps. "It is of incredibly awful education to go into a close shop and force the shop owner to give you food. Don't do it again." "We are sorry Daichi."

Yeah, its 110% proven Daichi has anger issues omg. And he likes eating.

"Common Suga eat up." "Yeah I'm not so fast as the two of you." "We already know that. The thing is that" "That you are such a slow eater, and you are still thinner than a twig." "What Asahi said." "Why is that with strangers you get so scared, and you don't stop asking everyone to call the cops, but when it comes to roasting me, you are a god?" "It just comes out naturally. Sorry." I glared at Asahi. It only took him 5 seconds to back away. "Okay cut it away you two." "No way Suga will kill me." "Don't worry Asahi I wont kill you." "See there is nothing to be afraid of." "I'll just break every single bone in your body." "Daichi 😭😭." "Suga, no violence." "Okay, okay."

"What are you three talking about?" "Oh, hey Shimizu. Nothing much." I told her I had just threatened Asahi to death. She responded that I had to tell her the details later. Agreed. "Well, I'm going home now. Thanks for the food, Daichi" "Its nothing." "Wait Kiyoko-san I'll accompany you home." "No." She left. Tanaka was so happy. "I love it when she says that." "Aren't you going a little bit too far with that?" "No, I don't think so. Why do you ask Sugawara-san?" "Well, Shimizu seems pretty annoyed with your behaviour if you ask me. Also telling by her expressions when you asked her, it seems like the letters you and Noya are sending her aren't the only ones she is receiving. At this rate she'll end up hating the two of you. Hear that Noya!!" "Loud and clear." "So, you mean I could not only ruin my chances to go out with her but I'll also ruin the chances to becoming her friend." "It's not exactly what I meant but close enough."

We all ended up going home after a couple more minutes. They all love telling their old stories or talking about their families. There isn't one moment in which Noya isn't talking about his grandpa or in which Tanaka doesn't tell an amazing thing that happened to him. To say the truth, I wish I could join in, but I'm scared of their reactions. At the end of the day, I don't have any funny stories, that don't expose my horrible behaviour.

I started going home when I realized something. Tanaka is also going this way?! "Oh, Sugawara-san you also live in this direction." "Yeah." "Thats great. Then, can we go together?" "Of course." "I've been wondering this for a while now." "What is it?" "I asked while I continued eating the meat bun. It's true what Asahi said. I'm really slow when it comes to eating. "To which middle school did you go?" "I went to Nagamushi Junior High. You went to Ouijitsu Junior High, right?" "Yes. And also. Why don't you ever talk about yourself?" Oh, great here we go again. "What do you mean Tanaka?" "Well, I understand that not everyone had such interesting school experiences but em er the thing is" "You are just curious. Aren't you?" "Yes, a bit."

Tanaka put his head down. He seemed really ashamed of himself. "Tanaka don't be ashamed. Being curious is natural. Everyone has to be some day. And it doesn't matter. I'll be nice and answer one question. If you want." "Thanks. Can you tell me how you started playing volleyball?" Wow. I didn't expect that. I'll get to the point quickly. "One day when I was in third grade a very good friend of mine decided to lock me in my room and show me a volleyball match. At the end I really liked it and investigated a bit. I even got myself a ball and everything." Okay I think that makes it. "That was so cool. How did your friend lock you inside your room?" "They came through the window at noon, locked the door and threw the key out of the window." "No way." Thats Koemi for ya. She always had something on her mind. And she would always do it in the dumbest way possible. And now I'm getting nostalgic.

"Oh, shit. Where is it?" "What's wrong Tanaka?" "I can't find my wallet. I had it at the shop." Great he has been robbed. I immediately turned around and looked for anyone suspicious. We were walking near a bus stop packed with people. Great. I looked the other way to find a problematic teenager robbing the wallet of an old woman. "I think I know who has it." "Really. Who?" I didn't answer. I walked to the boy, who just stole the old woman's wallet. "Hey, you dipshit." "Who are you calling dipshit, shrimp?" Ouch that hurt. "Who do you think?" "You are going to regret saying that." "And you are going to regret stealing my friend's and that lady's wallet." "Sugawara, what are you doing?" "Why would I do that. I earned them." "No, you didn't."

With those last words the boy came up to us and attempted to punch me. His fist was slow and for someone like me, who has been punched to many times to even count, it was going in slow motion. I easily dodged his punch and grabbed his arm. I twisted his wrist so that he had to turn around. I hold his other arm and pull him closer.

"HEY MA'AM THIS KID JUST STOLE YOUR MONEY!!" "What do you think you are doing." "Telling the truth."

Seems like the crowd at the bus stop turned around to see what was happening. Tanaka was so surprised he just stood there with his mouth open. Some two other guys came over and helped me. The boy had at least 12 different wallets. None of them belonging to him in the first place. I got the old lady's one and gave it back to her. She didn't stop bowing for a while.

"Tanaka. Is this yours?" "Um Y-y-yes." "Common stop muttering. Nothing is wrong." I smiled. "I'm sorry. But that was amazing. Where did you learn that?" Nice question with easy answer. "I had some karate lessons when I was a kid. Also, my friends went to self-defence lessons or martial arts so we kind of taught each other." "That is the coolest shit ever. You need to show me one day." "Em okay I guess."

We kept on walking home until we reached Tanaka's house. "So, this is my house." "It seems pretty comfortable. You need to invite me someday." "You shouldn't exaggerate. Out of curiosity where do you live? I feel bad leaving you alone." "Haha, you don't have to worry Tanaka also I live around the corner." "In which number?" Why the hell is he asking that? Bah I shouldn't lie. "Number 22." "Great. Maybe someday I'll go over there. See you tomorrow Suga-san." "Uhm bye Tanaka." He entered the house.

What have I done? Oh my god Im in so much trouble.

Pov Tanaka

"I'm home." "Ryu, how was school?" "Al right I guess." "Did you sleep a lot." "Maybe." "Great. You need to stop doing that. A man doesn't ever fall asleep in class." "You say that with a lot of confidence Saeko." "Because its the truth." "Sure. Whatever." "Also, who was that kid with you?" "You know Saeko that his a second year, right." "Oh, a senpai. Oooooh." "Stop it." "Yeah, yeah sorry. Name?" "Sugawara Koushi. He lives around the corner." "I see. Which number?" "Why so much interest?" "Can't I know with who my little brother is hanging out?" "You are going to meet Noya next Friday and I hang out more with him than with Suga-san." "Okay, okay. I'll shut up."

Saeko really is intrigued in my new friends. I've been talking too much about Noya and Kiyoko-san. She is so beautiful. I hope someday I can date her. But if she decides to go out with other people who aren't me I'll always be there. And I'll support her no matter, what. Maybe someday. Who knows?

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