Chapter 28

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Pov Kiyoko

"What happened next?" "Wait, you guys are interested?" "Of course, why wouldn't we be?"

"Well then, I'll tell this part if your okay with it." Kou told me. "Yes, of course."

"By the time middle school went by we were all doing stupid stuff all around town. Me and Koemi got ourselves a job and rented an apartment. It was right next to the school. We all started to invest large periods of time in the activities we loved as well as in the arcade. Thats were we all got our gaming nicknames."

"No way." "You are not going to skip that son." "Noya." "What? It's, just an expression."

"If you really want to know then Kiyo's one 'the black wasp' came from how she was called after her athletic competitions. Because it seemed she flew more than run." I giggled. It had been a long time since I heard that part of the story. "Anyways, Keiji's came from the arcade. He beat the records in all of the dancing games. That happened around four years ago. No one has broken them yet. His hair is extremely reddish so the people there called him the sun. that's how 'the dancing sun' was born." Everyone gasped. Wait until they hear all the times we run from the police. "Kanna's nickname 'the hyperactive wolf' came from her interminable energy and just as Kiyo's, her athletic competition."

"How about, yours and Koemi's?" "Wow, seems like you two are exasperated." "Yeah, pretty much." "I mean we have been hearing you two for like three chapters. No one wants to read stuff like that." "And of you two go on the theory that we are just words in paper." "But we are!!" "Kinoshita and Narita please calm down. Suga please continue."

"Mine and Koemi's came from our unbeatable records. Pretty much like Keiji's. the difference was that we were unbeatable because of our teamwork. So, the people of the arcade called us the two demons and then to differentiate they used physical characteristics to describe us." "Cool." "Wait, was your relationship with Koemi the same or similar to mine and Tanaka." "Bro." "Bro."

"Mm. Not really. You guys see yourselves as best of friends, but me and Koemi see each other in another way." "In what way?" "For me Koemi is my little sister. My one-day younger little sister." "This makes things even worst." "No worries. She woke up this morning late and still had the energy to run through the whole house shouting she was late and then proceeded to run out of the door and start training in the street." "Wait what." "As I said." "I don't understand."

"Koemi is a gymnast. But she never was seen by one since she joined. Her teacher said she was to small to become one and made her do exercises with the little kids. Because of this she awoke a sense of proving her teacher wrong. She observed and then practiced at home. When we became friends, she made me help her with the practicing. And didn't care if she had to climb to my window to wake me up. In our second year of middle school one of the school's main gymnasts got injured and couldn't participate in the competition and as an act of destiny Koemi was the only replacement. Her coach told her to just not break a leg. She was never seen as much of a deal, so no one ever trained her. In that competition she broke all middle school's records of Miyagi. It was amazing. Now she got accepted in a specialised high school and no doubt she will become a professional gymnast."

"That girl" "Can do all that." "Yes, she indeed can. And more." "Like what." "Well, jump as high as anyones head and balance on top of them for some time. I know from ehm... personal experience." "By personal experience he means that there wasn't a day in high school that Koemi didn't jump on his head." "Heey." I put out my tongue.

"I'll continue." I said. "Middle school was both the best and the worst years of our lives. Apart from having fun together we also had to pass many more things. We started getting into a lot of trouble both in school and out. We all got expelled for some time because of the trouble. We also got pursued by the police on multiple occasions for property damage and harassment. But the worst started around the second year. When Kankan got raped. She ended up getting pregnant because of that. Her parents literally expulsed her from her home when they found out. She stayed at Kou's and Koemi's shared apartment. We started getting her to the hospital just in case anything wrong happened. There was when two of the doctors found out about our mental problems. However, we refused to get help when Kanna was eight months pregnant I got injured in a competition. I miscalculated the final jump and hit my leg in the obstacle. The athlete next to me run over my left leg. I wasn't able to even stand up."

"Yes, I had to carry her to our apartment because no one had a phone and the school didn't care to even call an ambulance or drive her there." "What the hell are you lives?" "They are plain sad." "Is this hell?" "No, it isn't."

"Anyways, when we were finally arrived the worst happened." "Something even worse!!" "Yes ten times as worse." "Huh." "Keiji attempted suicide." "He jumped of the fifth floor of a building." "He was encouraged by all of our bullies." "No way." "Kou and Koemi run towards him as quickly as they could. Trying to keep him alive. Kanna, who could barely even move went up to the street's phone and called the ambulance. Horribly panicking. And I struggled to reach Keiji."

"The ambulance appeared incredibly quickly. And behind them the police. That day we got arrested. The police interrogated us for what happened, but we were so panicky that we only could shout, shiver and barely even breathe." "Yes, Kou over here had the worst panic attack in history and the police had to even give him an oxygen mask." "And Kiyo overhear just randomly started crying, because of surprise, anxiety, depression and pain." "I had my leg completely destroyed. And the worse reaction was Kanna's." "What happened to her?" "Well, she broke waters." "In the police station." "And they didn't believe her." "They didn't believe her until her pain started to go incredibly up." "Yes."

"After that incident the police decided to just drive us all to the hospital and guard us until we all relaxed." "Which we didn't. because we were stressed. And anxious. And scared. And teenagers." "Kanna gave birth to two beautiful babies. A boy and a girl. Called Kyo and Keiji. For specific reasons. Kiyo was sat on a wheelchair. She couldn't even stand up with one leg." "Yes. Then is when one of the two doctors Hasegawa came. When he saw me, he asked permission to take me away. You know to examine me. And then came back and asked permission again so that he could quickly operate on my leg before it was too late. He also told me that I had a terrible injury in my left eye, which was caused by some girls throwing rocks at my face, and if I didn't do anything about it I would go blind of one eye. The operation, however, was too expensive. So in like 7 years I'll be blind in my left eye. Yay."

"Oh gosh." "Don't go changing subjects now." "Yes, what happened with Keiji?" "Keiji got operated. He got in a coma and we all refused to leave him alone. After like two weeks the doctors obliged us to go to school as it was essential. So, we went in pairs each week and then teach each other everything." "After a month, two weeks, four days and 11 hours he woke up. Around 4 a.m. I was the only one awake at the time because I was unable to sleep. So, I was reading a book and when I look over, I see Keiji just staring at me deep in the eye." "That is scarier than seeing Asahi come back from the shower." "Hey."

By then we were walking downtown. Not far away from our old middle school.

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