Chapter 19

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Pov Sugawara

We went towards the bus station. It is located pretty near the hospital and fortunately has one of those things for wheelchairs. You know to get them up. Surprisingly, we didn't have to wait much. The bus driver and I were struggling in getting Keiji up, but after like 5 minutes we were all inside and going to the shopping centre. Christmas is getting closer. In Karasuno we all decided to do a secret Santa. I fucking got Asahi and his brain is almost impossible to break. Whenever you ask about anything present related, he freaks out and doesn't know what to say.

I also blank out whenever I think about presents for pretty much anybody. The only people I was able to get a present were Ika, Hase, my brother, Daichi, Keiji and the first years. The rest I don't have any idea. In other words, Asahi, and the K girls. Especially Kiyoko. Now that she is my girlfriend, I have become more clueless. And thank god we have Keiji over here. He needs to buy presents for everyone. Literally.

"Wow. Thats amazing. How did you do it?" "Well, young girl this is a special magic trick. And magicians never reveal their secrets." "Oh common. Please tell me." "Marie please. You are bothering this kind man." "Really. Sorry." "Haha. You don't have to worry about it. I'm totally fine with this." An old man patted Marie's head. He seems kind but I don't really want to risk it. "Kou just relax." "I'm relaxing. Why you say so?" "Cause you are tenser than a cat with a dog." "Not all cats are tense with dogs." "Okay then a cat who is really scared of dogs with a dog." "Okay, okay. I got ya."

"Next stop is Miyagi's centre." The driver said. "Oh, this is ours. Come on Marie." "Okay. Thank you for your time old man." "Nothing, nothing. Wait-, old man!!" "Marie don't call him old." "Sorry." The doors opened and after some struggling, we were already going towards the mall.

"Where should we start?" "Don't know." "Marie any opinions." "Mhm yes. Kei-Nii." "Oh, really and whats that." "How about some clothes?" "Clothes?" "Yes!" "Interesting. What do you say Koushi?" "Sure." And of we go. We went to several clothes shops. What Ika said was true. This kid sure has good taste. She found some really pretty clothes for Kanna and Kiyo. As well as an ultra-cute dress for Ika. As a reward we went with her to the children's part and bought her a handful of new clothes. Well to her and her sister Lucy.

After like, an hour, and a half of intense shopping we took a break. "Hi, we wanted one chocolate milkshake with cream, two banana milkshakes a tropical crepe, a Mediterranean crepe and a chocolate crepe." "Okay. Anything more?" "No thanks." "Then we'll bring it all to your table." I went back with those two weirdos. "So how are you supposed to eat with that mask?" "I have medical permission to only get this semi-oxygen mask and semi-normal mask for eating." "Thats good I guess." "I can't wait to eat one of those things. They look delicious." "They look delicious because they are delicious." "Keiji." "Sorry."

Seems like Marie's parents never went with her to a shopping centre. Because she was still too young. So, you can say that she never has tried one of this type of foods neither. I wonder what'll happen.

"Here we go. Hope you enjoy." "Thank you so much miss." "Wow. Kou do you remember when Kanna worked here." "Of course. Who wouldn't? We had extra crepes all the days." "For sure." "This is so delicious!!" "I'm happy you like it, Marie." Keiji and I said in unison. We both also burst out laughing soon after. "What is so funny?" "Nothing, nothing." "Just remembering the old times." "Old times?" "One day you will understand." "You are not that old." "We know."

Pov Keiji

Today was a fun day. Whenever Kou comes it's fun. He has always been an amazing friend for the longest of times. To say the truth, I still don't have any idea on what to get him. Although Ika's idea of getting Marie to choose will definitely benefit me with this one. When the time is able I'll ask Marie for help.

"Wow Marie eat a little slower. It can be very bad for you." "Freally. Wut I'm frine."

Ring, ring, ring.

"That's my phone. Leave you two for a moment." "Who is it?" "Kiyoko." "Do not tell her about this." "Don't worry I won't." And of he goes. Luck has finally reached my fortress. "Marie got to ask you something." "What is it?" "I need to buy that guy a present. Any ideas?" "Ehm. How about a new scarf?" "A scarf?" "Yep, and a T-shirt and some books." "That'll be enough?" "Yep." "Then I will trust you. When we enter a shop, and you find something good do our special signal and then distract Kou. Got it." "Yes." "This is a top-secret mission." "Yuhuu."

"I'm back. What are you two blabbering about?" "Nothing." "Yeah nothing, nothing." "Okay?" "So, what did she want." "Nothing much. Seems like she already left the jail and now was going back home." "Oh, so cute." "I'll cut you down in a million different pieces and then through you to the sea." "Okay. I shut, I shut." I frowned at Marie. You know that look that says. 'this guy is crazy,' with the sarcastic voice in crazy. And of course, she laughed.

"Pardon this is your bill." "Thankyou so much miss." The waiter was a very pretty lady with a sprinkle of badass. "I have a question for you. If it isn't a problem." She pointed out at Kou. Oh goodness I hope he didn't say anything weird. "Yes? What is it?" "Oh, see. Are Sugawara Koushi?" How, the hell, does this girl know this guy's name. "Yes. How do you know?" "My name is Tanaka Saeko. I'm Ryu's older sister." "Oh my. I didn't recognize you. Sorry." "Nothing to worry about. Just wanting to know. Thanks." "Well. Then here are some extra tips then." "Thank you so much. Hope you all come back." "Sure. Bye." What the hell just happened. Tanaka? Ah wait. That is one of the first years in Karasuno. I'll research.

As soon as I started typing I felt someone dragging backwards my chair. "Hey" "You are typing right?" "Yes but no need to worry." "Common I'll push your ass for a bit." I sighed. "Okay."

"Oh wow. This dude is hot." "Kei." "Sorry." "What did you mean by hot?" "Eh. Nothing at all." "Yeah, nothing at all." "You two are weird." "We didn't have to hear that from you!" We both said in unison.

Finally, after like 4 hours of shopping we finally finished. I'm actually surprised I was able to make it this far. The other times I've gone out of the hospital I end up having an attack or something. For me this is like a miracle. Unluckily I run out of oxygen after like five hours, so we needed to go back. Fortunately, pretty much everything we needed to buy was bought. Marie found a scarf and T-shirt that suite Kou perfectly. They are both blue. And the T-shirt has the word potato on it. Also, we bought three books. One of the was a special edition of a manga. And the other two are two novels, that I believe he'll like.

This went great. Can't wait till the girls come back.

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