Chapter 13

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Pov Kiyoko

Last night was terrifying. I've never felt more useless in my life. Just like Kankan said nearly three years ago. I barely was even able to realise what happened after the door broke open. It feels as if I got drunk, again. The only difference is that the feeling afterwards isn't that satisfying. My hands can't stop shaking, and my head keeps throwing bad memories into my brain. Especially my father's words. How can my own father say that?

Tears started to stream down my face. Great. Time for a shower. Let's wash away this feelings.

After a few minutes of just water going down my body I dried myself. Put on some clothes and went downstairs. Koushi was already sat at the table. He was completely dressed. A small breakfast was on the table. OMG, HE MADE PANCAKES! I just flung myself on the table and got five pancakes on my plate. "Seems like you woke up hungry." "Thrankyou so murch for the foorrd." I said while eating. "Ew. Close your mouth while you are eating." "Sowry." "Again, not much difference." I laughed while swallowing the food inside my mouth.

"Hey Kiyo." "What's wrong." "I've talked with Masaki and there is kind of a problem." "What's wrong now?" "Seems like ma parents are coming home tonight." "No. You are kidding right." "Nope." "Where am I going to go now?" I felt myself shaking. What the fuck. Since when am I so vulnerable. This has never happened before. Body go back to normal. What the hell are you doing nerves. "Wow. You don't have to worry. I've asked Keiji if you can stay with him. Also, he is already informing Ika and Hase about the situation." "I guess that is good. Wait if Ika knows. Aaah, I don't want more therapy sessions." "Who says you'll have more therapy sessions?" "My mind."

The doorbell rang.

"W-w-who is that?" "Your new therapy sessions." "No. Do you want to kill me or what?" "Haha just kidding. Its probably the police officer from last night." "Oh okay. I'll finish these first. What don't look at me that way. I might be a girl but that doesn't mean that I'm not a big eater. Like seriously. Proteins are everything." "Yeah whatever."

Kou opened the door. A female voice could be heard. I started understanding the conversation. "So how is she doing?" "Better than I thought. She is stronger than she looks." "Is this the first time this happens?" "What do you mean?" "Is it the first time she has been nearly raped or raped." "Yes, it has been as far as I'm aware of." "I see. Could I talk to her?" "Sure. Please come in." "Thankyou."

Soon a brown-haired woman entered the house. "Hello Shimizu Kiyoko. May I sit down?" I swallowed what I was eating. "S-s-sure." "Thanks. My name is Oki Sato I'm a police officer. Last night I was in charged of arresting eight men including your father, Shimizu Ichiro. Apart from what happened we also found out a total of 12 kilograms of cocaine inside your house. I wanted to ask if you knew anything about this?" "N-n-no not really." To say the truth, I didn't know my father was even interested in drugs in the first place. But his behaviour recently was really weird. And there is no evidence whatsoever that proved that he didn't get high. "I see. Also did you know any of the other men inside your house last night." "No miss." "I see. Shimizu-san I've been investigating your family. According to the files your mother died around 7 years ago. Did your father change after that?" "Yes, he did." "How?"

I think this all took me off guard. How can I respond to that? "I don't know. He started coming home late. He lost his job one month later. He spent most evenings at the bar. And he started coming home with other women." "I see. How did he pay those beers?" "I don't know." "Okay thank you so much Shimizu for you collaboration. I don't want to disturb you anymore. However, I will have to ask you to have some psychology tests at the police station and answer more questions. You too Sugawara-san. Could the two of you please accompany me?" I looked at Kou he nodded. And I responded. "Sure." "Okay then please follow me."

This is going to be a looooooong day.

Hello everyone. I'm sorry for not up dating recently. I've been really busy you know end of holidays and all that stuff. I'm also having a bit of an autor's block. if you got any suggestions you are free to comment. Thank you so much.


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