Chapter 8

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Pov Kiyoko

1 week. 1 week its been since my second year in Karasuno started. And in that fucking week I have received a total of 56 love letters all coming from 2 certain first years, who are making me crazy. Plus, the boys are insane, and it's getting worse each day. Daichi is coming every single day dead. He sits next to Michimiya and now he gets taunted all the time for having such a giant crush on her. Asahi is growing a new personality, which is pretty much influenced by Nishinoya Yu. He is such a drag sometimes. Even worse Kurokawa-san is a literal prick sometimes. And don't you dare get me started with Tanaka and Nishinoya. Out of all of them Koushi is the less annoying by far.

"You do realise you can protect yourself, right?" "Protect myself from what?" "Oh, the boys are so annoying. And its only the first week. At this rate I'll die. Ahh." I lied. "Oh don't be that exaggerated." I said while supporting the dramatic greyish hair boy while he faked fainting. "I'm not being dramatic. I'm just imitating your stupid ass." "Huh. Don't say that or I'll kill you sweety." "Holy shit I'm going to die." He said before sprinting a bit forward. "Don't run away from me you little coward!!" "Yeah, yeah. Race ya to school." "Not fair you started first!" "But you're quicker!" "Understandable."

We raced until Sakonishita Market were we stopped to catch our breathes and buy a few things. Kou was already paying when a certain someone entered the shop and flung her arms around me. Koushi saw this and decided to not get inside of the conversation. "It'll be 1000 yen please." "Here you have." "Have a nice day at school." "Thanks, have a nice day at work." "It should be a lucky day more than a fun one." "Then have a lucky day then." Koushi smiled at the shop owner and left.

"Okay what are your preferences today?" "Why are you asking me if you are the expert?" "I need to see how much my knowledge has influenced you." I sighed. Its always fun to hang out with Chiyo but her taste changes each day. "Sure thing. Lets see How about some wagashi?" "That sounds amazing, nice suggestion. Sir could we have a box of wagashi please?" "Sure thing. Which ones would you like? I pointed out my favourite types and Chiyo got the rest. She is a sweet person for sure. She is the only person, apart from Daichi and Asahi, who knows about my romantic relationship plus how annoying the first years are this year. We have grown really close recently. She even invited me to spend Christmas with her last year. It was so much fun. I also got to learn a lot about volleyball and the powerhouses around the whole of Japan.

School days are getting boring. I miss being told off, but I promised to change. I wished I hadn't though. We have always been told off for pretty stupid things, such as getting in trouble with other students. We would then have a detention and go our separate ways. The most annoying thing of all was the amount of times the other students would drag us down to detention when we didn't do a thing. Literally in my last school photo (second year middle school) I have my left eye all bandaged and the reason the teachers gave the parents was that I had fallen down the stairs of my house. Those fucking liars. Now I have so many detentions in my record that I wont ever get inside university.

Fortunately, I'm not the only one and detentions are not the only thing that counts. For example, unauthorized absences (to many to actually count), class behaviour (because of the absences not much), relationship with classmates (the disrespect is indescribable) and lastly, end of year results (the only thing we have good). If we make any type of trouble this year or have another unauthorized absence and we are dead.

I need to do something fun.

I was at five seconds of falling asleep during Japanese. The bell rang just before that happened. As always, I went to my locker. I like going to eat outside with Chiyo. I opened my locker door to find another 6 love letters inside. I should start getting used to this. 4 out of the six are from Nishinoya and Tanaka and the other two are from two other students. Their names aren't inside the letter and the handwriting is different. Great. "Are those love letters?" "Yes." I responded plainly. "Oh, how cute this one has a little picture of you and everything." "Sincerely you deserve these more than I do." "Don't say those things." "They just want me because of my looks not my personality. I hate people like that." "Aren't you dating someone like that?" "Of course not!" "Really he didn't fell in love because of your looks but used your feelings as an advantage." "No Chiyo. I know him for a while know. His is one of the only people who know, know me." "In the whole of Japan, right." "S-s-shut up." "Don't worry I believe you. Common or we will miss the whole lunchbreak." We went outside.

When all of the classes finished, I went to practice. Everything went just as normal. Daichi is helping some of the first years with their receives. While Nishinoya is practicing by receiving all the spikes he can. Asahi is being helped out when it comes to blocking and so is Sugawara. Tanaka for now is being tested the limit of his strength when it comes to spiking. I'm just sitting down recording everything. Its still a very important task. The only fun in this is watching how some of them get roasted every time they do something wrong.

"Wow you two are improving a lot." "Thanks, Daichi." "How about I invite you to some meat buns." "Yes please." "Ennoshita, Kinnoshita and Narita do you want to join?" "Of course!" "I thought you would never ask." There they go again. To say the truth, I also want to go. But that could increase the amount of letters my locker is receiving. I found 8 additional letters after lunch time. "Hey Shimizu, do you want to join." "No but thankyou Asahi." "Common Shimizu it's just a second." "Sorry but it's getting a bit late Tanaka." Tanaka and Nishinoya looked at each other. They were really disappointed. "Shimizu it'll be quite fun and you don't need to hang out a lot with any of these." I'll kill him for that. Koushi knows damn well I can't say no to him. Fuck you I told him via sign language. I also glare at him for like 3 seconds before anyone would notice. "Sure." I finally sighed. "Amazing Suga, how did you do that?" "Do what?" "Make Kiyoko-san come." "I just asked." Our eyes met. It was only for a quarter of a second, but I already realized what he said. Its just a bit of team bonding. No need to worry. Yeah, yeah whatever he says.

I wish team bonding was easier.

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