Prologue - New Wings and an Old Home

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A/N: Hello everyone, welcome back to the 'His Guardian Angel' series. This is Book 2, if you haven't read Book 1, please go and read it, otherwise this may not make much sense. I will try and get this book finished as soon as I can, but I am very busy at the moment working on things outside writing so accept my apology if I don't update too regularly. Without further ado, enjoy this book!

I let my eyes flutter open and I groaned at the ache that had settled through my entire body. I sat up and stretched out slightly. I looked around and sighed at the sight of the bare cave walls. I was hoping that I would wake back up in Gaius's chambers and this was all a dream, but here I was, still in my white dress, which was somehow still pristine. My cloak was lying on the floor, and I snuck a look at my back, feeling my heart sink as I saw that I still had a pair of wings.

I looked across to the wall next to me and smiled gently at the sleeping figure that was Lancelot. He looked so peaceful as he slept, and I was so grateful for having him here, just his presence was comforting. Knowing that I wouldn't have to go through this alone.

I shuffled myself slightly, moving so that I was in a better position. I carefully placed my hands on the floor and stood up slowly. I groaned a little at the sudden weight on my legs, as I hadn't used them in a while. I reached down and grabbed my cloak before wrapping around my shoulders, which made me feel a little better as my wings were no longer on show. I sighed and went over to the sleeping man, before shaking his shoulder lightly to wake him up.

Lancelot slowly opened his eyes and I smiled at him as he looked up at me. "Amara..." He mumbled, before sitting up and stretching his muscles out. He looked at me and smiled. "What do you want to do now?" He asked me, and I thought about it. Kilgharrah said that I should go to Essetir and find the Druids, but I didn't know where that was, or how to get there. Plus it was somewhere unfamiliar, and that scared me, enough had already happened in the past few days.

"I don't know. I need to see the Druids, but I just want to be around people I know, and returning to Camelot is near impossible, people would notice me or recognise me, and the King would have me killed." I said, looking at the ground, angry at myself for not being able to come up with a better idea. "Do you have anyone outside of Camelot?" Lancelot asked, and I nodded slowly. "My mother lives in Ealdor, I could stay with her for a little while before going to the druids." I said, and Lancelot nodded, placing his hand over mine.

As we walked out of the cave I studied my old friend's face. He looked almost exactly as I remembered him, other than his eyes. They were more tired than they were before, and I wanted to ask why, but didn't want to pry into what had happened over the past few months since I had last seen him.

"You seem very calm." I said out loud, blushing as soon as I did. Lancelot turned to face me and chuckled. "Well, I know that you are still you, and you're all alone and scared, it wouldn't be very honourable to leave you by yourself." He said as we reached the mouth of the cave. I smiled gratefully at the heroic man, and felt my heart swell with happiness. "Thank you." I whispered as we came out of the cave and into the morning light. I looked up and saw that there was a brown horse tied to a tree standing next to the white horse that I had ridden here on.

I was surprised that the horse was still here as I hadn't tied it up so I would have thought that it would run away and leave us. I smiled as the horse came over and nuzzled into me, causing me to chuckle. I looked up to Lancelot, feeling his eyes on me, and found that he was staring at me with a fond smile on his face.

We both mounted our horses and then I turned to Lancelot. "Ealdor is on the outer edge of Cenred's kingdom, near its border to Camelot. Do you think you know how to get there from here?" I asked, knowing that I would have no idea as I didn't even know where I was, just that it was no longer Camelot. "We're actually pretty close to the border, if we get onto the path we should be able to follow it to your town." The man said, and I nodded, before he kicked his horse into a walk and I followed shortly after.

As we walked through the forest on our horses I kept looking over at my old friend, and I couldn't help but wonder what he had been up to while he was away. I was so curious and wanted to know, but I didn't want to force him into telling me anything, so I asked him something else I had been wondering about.

"How did you find me?" I asked, and he turned to me, before slowing his horse slightly so we were trotting alongside each other. "I was travelling from one town to another, I've been trying to make as much money as possible from sword fighting, and then I heard a scream, so I followed it and came to the cave. I knew that the person was probably still in there as there was a horse outside, so I went in. I looked around and saw that there was a person curled up in the corner. They seemed to be in so much pain as there was blood everywhere, then I noticed it was you, and I couldn't just walk away." He explained, and I sighed, smiling gently at his kindness.

"I'm glad you didn't just walk away or ignore it. I missed you." I said, whispering the last part under my breath, even though I knew that Lancelot would be able to hear me. "I missed you too Amara." He said in a small voice and I looked up to him, smiling.

We rode for the rest of the day, reaching a set path at just after midday. Lancelot had just happened to have some food that he'd bought from the town he had just come from, which we ate in silence, neither of us knowing what to say, but it wasn't uncomfortable. When we reached the path I looked around and recognised the vague area we were in, and I notified Lancelot that if we rode down the path then we should reach Ealdor by evening, which would be useful as many people would be inside eating dinner so we shouldn't be noticed.

It took us a few hours to reach the edges of the city and I smiled gently at the place where I grew up, knowing that my mother would welcome me no matter what. The sun was just starting to set as we reached the place where the forest disappeared. "We should leave the horses here, bring them something later, it would look even more suspicious if we had horses and were stopping." I said, and Lancelot only nodded in response before we both dismounted.

We tied our horses to a tree and left them with some water and an apple each that Lancelot had, before we started walking down to the town. I noticed that not many people were out, so we kept to the shadows, so we didn't draw attention to ourselves. When we reached our house I was about to knock, before deciding that it would be safer to just go in, mother wouldn't be too mad about it, I'm sure.

I pushed the door open and held it open for Lancelot, before closing it behind me and turning to see our small house, exactly as it had been a few months previously when we had been here. I noticed that mother was sitting at the table, and was now staring up at us. I reached up and removed the hood of my cloak, so mother knew that it was me, and I heard her gasp, before standing up and coming over to me.

"Amara, what are you doing here? Did something happen in Camelot?" She asked, and I just shook my head before wrapping my arms around her. "It's complicated. This is Lancelot, we met in Camelot months ago, he helped me." I said, and mother nodded. "Well, it's a good thing I made extra dinner tonight." She said, leading us over to the table. We sat down together and ate, which made me feel much better than before.

"So, what's going on? Why are you here?" Mother asked, placing her hand over mine. "After you left, things kind of got a little stranger." I said, before launching into an explanation about what had led me out of Camelot. "I also figured out why my back has been hurting all my life, it was my wings, I was chosen at birth apparently to become this Guardian of Camelot. I don't know, but I have to go see the Druids, I just... wanted to see a familiar face." I said, tears building in my eyes, as Lancelot wrapped his arm around me, and I leant into him.

"Well you're both welcome to stay here for as long as you need." Mother said, and I thanked her quietly. "We shouldn't take up much space for too long, as we need to head to see the Druids after this. But thank you for your kindness." Lancelot said, and my mother nodded slowly.

"So, you became an Angel?" Mother asked, and I could see her confusion. "Yes." I said, nodding my head. I stood up from the table and took my cloak off, letting my wings relax slightly, and they stretched out as if they had a mind of their own. I looked over at my mother and saw that her mouth had fallen open, and she was speechless. "Come on, we should get some sleep." Lancelot said, bringing my mother out of her trance.

"Mother, you keep with the bed, Lancelot and I will be fine on the floor." I said, and my mother looked at me, concerned. "Are you sure, dear?" She asked, and I nodded my head. "We just spent a night in cave mother, anything is better than that." I said, and mother looked at me with concern, but went over to the bed and passed us some blankets. We laid them on the floor, before lying down together and I fell asleep quite quickly, still tired out from the drama of the last few days.

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